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Merchants Won't Sell


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'Allo Chaps and Chapettes.


I've made a Merchant via the Creation Kit, but no matter what I do, I simply can't get them to open a trade window.

Whenever I click on them they just spout one-liner bits of dialogue and don't actually go anywhere.


I've tried creating one from scratch, and I also tried simply duplicating Belethor (Change his container, location, name and ID) and still nothing pops up.

I've created a merchant faction, and also tried duplicating Belethor's and simply editing as need be but neither seem to work.


Any help would be fantastic, cheers!

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Little Bump. (Apologies)


I'm actually going out of my mind here.

I've tried literally everything, I've followed about 6 different tutorials and I've checked out the written guide on the CK website.


Nothing works. Nothing.

The NPC's just keep spouting one liners and not letting me go into actual dialogue, there's no option to trade.

I'm at the end of my tether here, any help would be fantastic, ta.

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I don't want to sound rude by not reading all that you wrote, but I had a similar problem when the CK came out so I think I know the problem.


Did you make sure to not only the your NPC in the JobsMerchantFaction and setting the location for the person to sell to Self? Those were my problems.


If that doesn't work, you said you have seen 6 tutorials but have you seen this one specifically on this subject?

Creating a Merchant Tutorial @ creationkit.com

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I don't want to sound rude by not reading all that you wrote, but I had a similar problem when the CK came out so I think I know the problem.


Did you make sure to not only the your NPC in the JobsMerchantFaction and setting the location for the person to sell to Self? Those were my problems.


If that doesn't work, you said you have seen 6 tutorials but have you seen this one specifically on this subject?

Creating a Merchant Tutorial @ creationkit.com


I followed the one you linked to the absolute letter, and it didn't work.

I didn't have the location of the NPC set to self, I'll give it a go, but I don't see why that would impact their ability to sell really.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Did you make sure to not only the your NPC in the JobsMerchantFaction"


Cheers :)

Edited by DyingAtheist
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Well just like you created the faction in the Tut and checking Vendor, you need to place the existing faction JobsMerchantFaction in order for them to sell. I don't really know why, but it works. And with the setting to Self thing, is for the faction you created for the NPC.
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Well just like you created the faction in the Tut and checking Vendor, you need to place the existing faction JobsMerchantFaction in order for them to sell. I don't really know why, but it works. And with the setting to Self thing, is for the faction you created for the NPC.


Ah, yes I'd been doing that. (Having both my created faction and the JobsMerchantFaction in their faction list).

I've just given it another go, loading up now to see if it's decided to love me or not.


Edit : Well, it worked! Seemingly setting the radius to "Near Self" as opposed to the reference has fixed it. Not sure why that would help at all but eh, whatever works works! Cheers for the help. :)

Edited by DyingAtheist
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  • 2 months later...
I followed 3 tutorials, finally the wikia explained an important bit that the other 2 tutorials lacked (including the one from Best In Slot), which is that there is an ORDER ID # next to the factions you drag and drop into the window. Somtimes, it gets messed up and 1 or more keep getting a -1 ID. Delete them all and make sure the jobmerchant faction has an ORDER ID of 1
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