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turning off steam workshop


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Hi, so i gave steam workshop a try... for about an hour and now i do not want it around my skyrim game and would rather do everything by hand, reason being i downloaded some of my essential mods from it and they just wont work. now take for instance the fur hood hd mod, Great mod, tried using the steam workshop one and it will not turn up in my game, so i unsubscribed, downloaded it from hear and it still wont work (i am sure it is not the mods fault as it s like this with every mod i used steam workshop for and all the ones i didnt try on steam workshop work fine. so is there a way to turn off steam workshop?


Also i've noticed i cant look at my data files in the launch menu anymore... any way of rectifying this?


p.s this is not a steam workshop bashing thread, its just not for me and i just dont want it trying to 'help' me with my skyrim mods

Edited by t0mm06
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What's wrong with Steam-anything bashing?


Anyway, I'd say start by looking into your data folder in skyrim install (steamapps) to see if the workshop uninstall really deleted everything ... and then, get NMM (or any other manager if you prefer) and perhaps BOSS (sorts your load order to avoid most conflicts) ... Managing trough the launcher is not the best way to do it, even if you can acces data files.

Edited by elvinkun
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well i found the problem, no ESP file will load. i've tried both boss and NMM and i noticed that every time i went back to NMM after seeing if anything i had tried had fixed it in game, and i realised nothing was ticked, it seems that every time i start the game it resets the data files so no esp files are ticked. (evidence of this is any mod that is just a replacer works) Any clue whats up with it?
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  • 1 year later...

Yes, I do know: Unsubscribing from steam workshop contend does not tell steam to back off in the case of that thing (I like steam, but this is kinda annoying). Instead, steam thinks that you do not like that mod and deaktivates it when checking for new workshop stuff to download. Starting SKSE (if you have it) should work around that, as the launcher is not included.

I yet have to find a way to set mods from Subscribed: "No" to " ". The later means that steam does not involve itself in that mod.

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