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Textures for player character only


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I'm using a texture mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7897) that I want to affect my player character but not npcs.


I know that the CK can change the texture files that specific npcs use, but is there a way to do this for the player character? Or is there a specific name that I can rename the textures and put them in my data folder to use for the player character only?


Thanks for your time.

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I believe you'd have to do this via a custom script.


In Oblivion, texture/mesh swaps were done by placing a "token" in the character's inventory (either the player character or an NPC) and attaching a script to the token that caused the carrier to use resources located in a specific directory. A token is simply a weightless miscellaneous inventory item.

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All right I will look into this. Thank you for your answer.


ive also been looking for something similar - and could only find mods that made -race- specific changes. such as the mod


"body by race" and the closer one - "Custom Races - WIP by d_rail"


but lot of console fixing commands needed and would also complicate such things as werewolf transformation and vampire events


if you figure something out (like that token thing) please yell out :3

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Soo I know it was a long time this thread was created, but I was just wondering if anyone managed to solve this?

There are a handful of mods titled "PC Exclusive blah blah blah" and while I see ones for Animations and Voices, I don't see one whose title specifically states body textures. Chances are this functionality is covered in one of them, but if not, it could be most likely be implemented in the manor Raestloz managed to do exclusive animations and such.

Edited by MShoap13
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