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Is the Skyrim Creation Kit used for Skyrim SE?

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Kind of makes me think all beth did was convert the prettiness of the render window(glowing markers, etc).


I had not test this myself and just went with word of mouth(and I also thought it made logical sense), however I tested this myself(thanks to BigBadDaddy) and it went through. Going with quertyzeldar's post however, there's that depends part. Since we now know meshes can't convert over, there's no telling what else doesn't play well when going from SE > Old. Thankfully we have TES4Edit that works on both versions, so just run your mods through and check for oddities if you're not sure.

CK errors warnings file is a good indicator of anything going wrong. Also worth checking papyrus logs.


As far as I can tell the only things that actually changed were nif files, the facegen for actors (new CK generates them on save and doesn't need the TGA files it generates).

Edited by B1gBadDaddy
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