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The forgotten aircraft carrier


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Now, this would be really cool, huh? A beached rusty pristine aircraft carrier (drifted from the Bermuda Triangle, perhaps?) and in it... enemies, loot, new weapons, something else? Davy Jones himself?


A good place would be SW from Rivet City, on the far side of the gulf.

In that case, it would require a no borders mod, such as this one:



It doesn't really have to be an IJN Carrier, of course. It can be a USN machine, or a Chinese one... A Soviet one...

All you would need for this is already in the vanilla settings.


Hope you like the idea

Edited by Shidentora
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I do! Sounds like it could be an awesome mod! For real fun some modded guns and weapons that do easy to slap on in GECK effects, like burn or disintegrate on crit (with an odd glow to the weapons if anyone can pull that off) Maybe some unusual armor (some true black Enclave armor, or some or the stranger armors added by modders like medieval) as well, and I'd love to see it with random objects not like what's found in the waste (some Zeta clutter, maybe some unique or recolored stuff) maybe something truly odd like energy charged clutter objects that explode like grenades when thrown! (incendiary baseballs, nuka grenade empty nuka bottles, plasma coffee cups, cryo milkbottles!)
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I do! Sounds like it could be an awesome mod! For real fun some modded guns and weapons that do easy to slap on in GECK effects, like burn or disintegrate on crit (with an odd glow to the weapons if anyone can pull that off) Maybe some unusual armor (some true black Enclave armor, or some or the stranger armors added by modders like medieval) as well, and I'd love to see it with random objects not like what's found in the waste (some Zeta clutter, maybe some unique or recolored stuff) maybe something truly odd like energy charged clutter objects that explode like grenades when thrown! (incendiary baseballs, nuka grenade empty nuka bottles, plasma coffee cups, cryo milkbottles!)


Man, you have quite an imagination:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've thought more about this and would love to see a new faction of enemies out of it, perhaps spreading to bases made along the river after the ship comes in, basically pirate raiders (so expect to see allot of them in the badlands outfit more than anything, not many tires to make into shoulderpads in on the bounding main, though some wasteland wanderer outfits and things like the beggar's outfit would be good to if nobody feels like modding up some new stuff) they would have some very peculiar things about them: a soft glow and their skin looks odd (basically the Pitt afflicted skins or something similar) and most alarmingly it seems to be spreading!! (small quest attached to the ships appearence that leads to you getting a reason to explore it and maybe beyond) Some of the creatures and people near the new fortifications of these pirates have begun to faintly glow and become violently ill or just plain violent! The Lone Wanderer is called upon once again to aid, and enter the main stronghold of these pirates and the strange beasts that have come with them (trogs, maybe some unique nasties) to find if there is anything that might help create a cure for this sickness before everyone is a violent glowing freak or dead.
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