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Hey all,


I posted this over in 3dmodelling, but not getting any hits.



I have recently got into modding, and have been beating my head against the wall trying to learn to model Skyrim armor. Quick question: How do I have certain equipment hide the hair, hands, and feet of the characters that equip them? For example, a tight fitting hood that I dont want hair to clip through, or shoes with heels? Is this done in 3dsmax, nifskope, or something else?


I heard it is an option in the creation kit, but can't find anything in there that helps me. The piece of equipment I am making will hide the hair, hands, and feet.


Any help would be awesome!

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Needs to be done in the Creation Kit as far as I am aware. link. When you get to that part in setting up your armor in the creation kit, you highlight the options in the list like in "The Armor Form" image in that tutorial, anything you select there will take up that slot when a character equips the item, therefor hiding or un-equiping the current armor taking up the slot. Did that make sense?

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