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pkKeywords with diferente Value 2 - Int on xEdit


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So, i'm facing some trouble understanding some data here...

I will use as exemple, Gunsmith Extended and Weapon Mods Fixes.

Using xEdit, i can find the following at some WMF mods


-Value Type
-Property Keywords
-Value 1 - FormID

-Value 2 - Int 1



But then, looking at the same exact mod, at Gunsmith, this entrie, is almost the same. Except -Value 2 - Int, that is marking 516.

Well, then, i loaded then up on CK, to see what changes on the info there.

To understand what makes the hange of Value 2 - Int , from 1 to 516.

But for some reason, at C.K no change appears to happen!
I'm getting crazy with this!
Anyone could give me a light, on what the hell is this Value 2 - Int, that only seems to appear, on the lines reflecting pkKeywords?




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