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Why does one gun in my custom leveled list (not script) spawn way more frequently than others?


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I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote on reddit since it didn't get many responses.


One gun is spawning way more frequently than others particularly the Grease Gun SMG (and a few other guns, but not as frequent as the grease gun). I put together this leveled list in FO4edit that contains 31 weapons (this means the grease gun should have 1 out of 31 chance of spawning right?). Is there a reason this gun is spawning in so frequently? Is there a way to change the likelihood of a certain weapon dropping? In my list, i have all the "chance none" settings as 1 (meaning there's a 1% chance the weapon won't drop/spawn). I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Someone please point me in the right direction. I have googled this problem for the past few days and have found nothing.


Video of me spawning LLI_raider_weapons (



Picture of leveled list in FO4edit (https://gyazo.com/74216f100e676c9e90a5d50104de561a)


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