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Regenerating Weapon


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I think the best long range weapon is the ring of paralysing power cast when used on target. enchanted with the best soulgem (golden saint trapped) you can use it 8 times for 30 seconds...walk to your target after paralyzation and hit him with whatever you have !

Of cause you first need to buy a spell of paralyze to enable enchanting.

Very handy to put it in your quick keys.

It costs you quite some $$ but then you have something decent for your bigger fights !

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If u have XBox, I'm sorry, first of all, then don't waste time buying the whole game for computer when I'm sure it actually would run better on XBox. Just go to Gamestop or EB Games and buy the XBox GoTY edition. It includes both Tribunal and Bloodmoon, for your exploring/beating-snot-out-of-random-creatures/talking-to-people pleasure! :D
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