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[LE] Way to make npc stop combat and start a scene?

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I have a part of a quest I'm working on where the player has to fight a boss, and when the boss gets to low health, they're supposed to stop combat and a scene would start. What would be the best way to go about getting them to stop combat when their health is low?

Edited by VincentLachance
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Not sure about best way, but I'd make a new quest stage, put the boss in a neutral faction, and use StopCombat(boss). ForceGreet possibly, if you can ensure that the player is close to the boss at that point.


Otherwise you can look at MQ206 and see how they stopped Alduin from being hostile at the end of the fight there. Alduin has a minor monologue and then flies off. (So they obviously make Alduin essential at that point.)

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  • 2 years later...

Good advice because the combat with Alduin is performed via a 'scene'. Still, upon trial, I can't yet find a proper method to stop combat....dang, those guys in skyrim seem only to stop for death! Alduin, as the only combatant, could fly away.

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