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FaceGen for SSE on save or Ctrl-f4 or both?

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I have two questions here...


1st - Just to see if I got this right... for generating FaceGen data...

- Edit your npcs in CK (some vanilla and some new)

- old Skyrim - press CTRL-F4

- old Skyrim - mesh and texture data will be in Skyrim.esm AND MyMod.esp folders ?

- SSE - press CTRL-F4 - same result

- SSE - Saving file will generate FaceGen data in only the MyMod.esp folders - and this will result in dark-face-bug for the vanilla npcs ?

- is that correct?


2nd - For a mod that edits well over 2000 npcs (mostly new and a few vanilla)

- When saving the FaceGen auto generating takes approximately 6 minutes to complete !!!

- I'd like to know if there is any way to stop this auto face generation on save - ini setting or other

- this would make editing the esp, saving and editing some more much more enjoyable! I'd be able to just use Ctrl-F4 when needed.



Edited by Jebbalon
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