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Linking AI package to unique NPCs

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Hi all, and thanks in advance;

I'm trying to link an AI package that I've created to a certain unique NPC settler, is there a safe way to do it without breaking his normal behavior and the game ... I saw some people doing this with a quest but I don't know how :wink:

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Make quest, make new alias unique actor, select your unique npc. Put the package in alias window.


Then, the package will "fight" vs other packages, the one with highest quest priority will be used(if package conditions are met). If your NPC isn't in any other quests, you can simply give your quest priority of 10 or so.


Do not select "run once" in your quest, so you can Start() or Stop() the quest if you want to enable/disable the package.

Edited by vkz89q
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Make quest, make new alias unique actor, select your unique npc. Put the package in alias window.


Then, the package will "fight" vs other packages, the one with highest quest priority will be used(if package conditions are met). If your NPC isn't in any other quests, you can simply give your quest priority of 10 or so.


Do not select "run once" in your quest, so you can Start() or Stop() the quest if you want to enable/disable the package.


Thanks vkz89q,

I did as you said but I think something is off in my case, what I want to do is the following:

I created a bed and placed it in the workshop menu, now I want Preston to sleep in this bed

so I placed it in a form list and linked it to a package which was linked to a quest with the unique NPC Preston as an alias, how can I make him go to this specific bed and use it every night and not to use the random bed that he had selected

I'm new to modding and to the creation kit so sorry if my questions seem silly and thanks again ;)

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I never tried to do that kind of thing with furnitures so sadly I don't have real answer :( I can only think that the bed he is assigned is linked to him somehow and is target in his workshop alias package.


I would imagine that Mama Murphy should have very close to what you need?


Try adding more priority to the quest so it will be higher than any workshop quests.


Maybe someone else has tried to do this and can answer better.

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