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FOV pipboy, first person sights


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I have seen videos on youtube where that person has there pipboy view and their first person gun sights view where the FOV for those is a bit farther away than the usually. I have already changed my FOV in the ini settings and as far as I am aware, that does not change the pip boy or sights. Is there a mod that does this? I have been looking around everywhere and I just cant seem to find a mod or setting that does this. Can anyone help me out with this please?

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Viewmodel FOV (which includes the Pipboy) is determined by your 3rd person FOV. I'm not sure if changing your 3rd person FOV in the config actually applies to viewmodel FOV, but I know for sure it applies if you change your FOV ingame using console commands. If you use the FOV command, the first value will be your 3rd person FOV, and the second value will be your 1st person FOV; for example, I use a viewmodel FOV of 90 and a 1st person FOV of 95, and I've got an autoexec file set up to automatically use "fov 90 95" whenever I launch the game. It probably works just as well if you change the 3rd person FOV in the config, I'm just too lazy to test it and find out. Note that this will affect your minimum zoom distance in 3rd person, so if you increase your 3rd person FOV, you will not be able to zoom the camera as close to your character. It is a negligible difference, but I feel it's worth pointing out.


Also worth noting is that a few custom animations are a little buggy at higher viewmodel FOVs, and the camera will clip slightly into the left shoulder. Personally I just edited the viewmodels for the outfits I use to squish the left shoulder to fix this.

Edited by Tukster
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