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Negative 2 Billion damage on all weapons.


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As the title says, all my weapons have an identical damage value of -2,147,483,648, aka the lower limit for a signed integer. Hitting enemies causes zero damage.
All weapon types and different weapons have the same value, from daggers to greatswords to bows.

A bit of googling led me to check the attackdamagemult, onehandedpowermod, twohandedpowermod, etc values via player.getav, but those all still match the defaults on http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)/ActorValues so I don't think that's it. It only started recently, maybe in the past hour of gameplay, after probably 100 hours in this most recent save, I'm at level 70. I've seen nothing like this happen in the save so far.

Load order: https://modwat.ch/u/TorHKU


I've also just noticed that getting hit by enemies seems to teleport me somehow? Usually into a nearby wall, but once into an endless white void. Sort of seems like it's knocking me back with ridiculous force, probably because of the 2 billion damage number.

Edited by TorrentHKU
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