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How do you make NPCs spawn on horses?


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I know, I know. I should put this in the Creation Kit area, but i'm getting no responses so I gonna ask here as well.

Ok, so, I'm getting ready to add the final version for my mod, CWExtra Soldiers. I just recently got an idea to add in cavalry units, shock troopers I guess you could say. But obviously, cavalry isn't cavalry unless your on a horse.

So, that brings me to this.... How do you make NPCs spawn on a horse?

Any help would be appreciated. Whoever does help Ill credit for their help on my mod.

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I have not done this yet so I may be wrong.

First I'd say look into the vanilla World Encounter that has a noble on horse following along with an Imperial guard. That may get you clues how to handle it.

Second, on the packages that you'll use to direct where the Cavalry will go - there is usually option to Ride Horse? yes/no and I think you then have to link the npc to the horse.


So, place your troops, then place their horses, link them and check Ride horse in the package.


Again I may be wrong on that and there are no guarantees. :)

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I have been looking at the noble, but I don't see how they do it, and plus, I put the NPCs in their respective factions so they appear in battlefields, camps, and on random encounters. So placing them in the actual world is not gonna work for what im looking for.

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