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more than one weapon shown


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hi everyone,


i think someone with the skills to create mods should, if possible, create a mod that allows more than one weapon to be worn/shown and used at the same time. for example, you might want a one-handed sword and bow shown together so that you can use either without having to go to your inventory or favourites menu to change them. i find this especially annoying when im shooting bad guys with my bow and then i suddenly need to change to a melee weapon but to do so i have to go to the menu to swap them over


another example might be wearing a two-handed sword on your back and a one-handed sword on your waist. im thinking it would be good to use certain keyboard keys such as 1 and 2, or the scroll button on the mouse to change the weapons


is it possible for this to be done?



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From your inventory you can favorite any weapon, armor, spell, etc. (default keyboard is F) then open the favorite menu (default keyboard is Q) and you can assign a number (1 -> 9) to any stuff you have there.


edit: if you're looking to have several weapons to be shown on your character at the same time, you might want to check this out http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3903

Edited by Kitni
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