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Slave spell, please help.

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Hey guys Im trying to write a spell that you cast on dead npcs that reanimates them (with the black eyes) permanently (until they get killed). and while 'alive' they can be told to follow, stay, guard all that fun stuff. It's going to be apart of a bigger mod having to do with sithis. so the sooner I get this done the sooner you can have fun with that!



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Sounds like a fun spell. I look forward to trying it out.


Firstly you would need to create a script in the Construction Set. Set the script type to a magic type.


This is only a rough draft...




Begin MyFirstReanimateSpell

; Create a new reference variable to place the actor in
ref TargetRef

Begin ScriptEffectStart

; Return the targeted actor 
set TargetRef to GetSelf

; If not an actor then display a message and exit
if ( TargetRef.IsActor != 1 )
Message "No Effect"

if ( TargetRef.GetDead != 1 )
Message "Target is Alive"
TargetRef.Resurrect 1





If the targeted NPC was an enemy before they died you would need to raise their disposition toward the player, otherwise he/she would attack you.


You may also want to remove any factions that the NPC may be a part of. It's not compulsary however.


If you don't have it already I'd recommend getting a utility called OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender)




It seriously expands the abilities of the scripter and adds loads of useful commands.


If you've got OBSE installed I'd add in the following check after the "if ( TargetRef.IsActor != 1 )" block.


; If the actor is scripted or essential, leave them alone
if ( TargetRef.IsScripted != 0 ) || ( TargetRef.IsEssential != 0 )
Message "No Effect"


For the orders you would need to add conversation topics using the addtopic command. Take a look at some of the cm_companion mods to learn a little more. Learn how to create packages and how to add and remove them dynamically.


Inteferring with dead NPC could be problematic, especially if they were part of a quest and were supposed to remain dead. You may need to remove any existing packages they have, otherwise you may resurrect them and they will resume their previous routine(s), i.e eating, sleeping, wandering.


Sorry I couldn't help more, I'm not using my computer. Let me know if I can help further.


The Elder Scrolls Wiki is a great source of information, check it out.



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hey thanks for helping out. but the resurrect function always just makes them alive, not reanimated.



For the mod you'll be granted all the powers of sithis, basically you'll be given the power to reanimate corpse servants OR pull out their souls and enslave them. See, the reanimate just gives you a mindless servant/guard. but the other gives you the ability to talk to them as though they were alive, and they follow orders and refer to you as 'Master' or "sire' in the dialog. Kudos to Istabglarthir for the ghost one.


the problem is I cant look up the game's script for the reanimate spell, that's the real problem. Im going to keep at it though, if you get any more ideas let me know.


thanx again for your help!

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