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"Instance Namin Rules" and "dn_" names prefix.

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I will be brief :smile:

Pipe Pistol -> mod_PipeGun_Receiver_MoreDamage1 -> dn_HasReceiver_More_Damage1

Gun with this mod will be called Hardened Pipe Pistol. I can not find anywhere else this prefix Hardened. Instance Namin Rules, mod_PipeGun_Receiver_MoreDamage1 and others.

If I create a new record in INR, with dn_HasReceiver_More_Damage1, with name none, this gun will be called none Hardened Pipe Pistol.

I can remove this prefix only by deleting pkKeywords dn_ from mod_. I can look at the characteristics of the weapon and understand what is installed on it, so can live with out these prefixes. But I'm curious.

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I want to save this pkKeywords (dn_HasReceiver_More_Damage1), but change this Hardened prefix to something else. But it's a trifle.


These object templates and mod collections system is complicated and I can't get it to work as it should. For example, I changed mod_PipeGun_Receiver_MoreDamage1 and added it to PipeGun's Object Template:







Created a record LL_PipeGun_Pistol_10mm with keyword if_tmp_PipeGun_Pistol_10mm





But by calling (player.additem 07928a74 30) its ID (LL_PipeGun_Pistol_10mm) through the console I have this:






First and third subjects, those that I need, with 10mm receiver. But there shouldn't be any PipeGun for 38 caliber. I can't understand why this is happening http://distlinks.net/img/smls/icon_cry.gif


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First of all, I personally wouldn't use the CK to create my naming rules. Frankly, its use in this case is too cumbersome. I find FO4Edit to be a better option for this kind of mod work.


Second, use my mod (in particular, look at the Proto Vault Suit add-on) as an example for how you can use naming rules. Though by no means is my way the only way, nor necessarily the best way.

In either your weapon (as is your case) or armor object, make sure the INRD (Instance Naming) record is pointing to the correct rule for your object. This rules set is where the magic happens when applying mods.

In your various OMODs, you make connections with your naming rules by using those keywords, typically using the "dn" prefix to indicate that it is for dynamic naming. You do this by creating a keyword property in the properties list of the OMOD.

Under the Instance Naming Rules, in your naming rule, you use those keywords inside a Ruleset. These rule sets operate like an "exclusive or" conditional. That means that the active ruleset will apply the first rule that meets the specified conditions presented in the list of keywords. For this reason, order is important. You can also apply two or more keywords in the same rule. When used this way, the rule treats all keywords like an "and" conditional, and will only apply the rule if both (or all) keywords are present. My mod has an example of this. You can also have more than one ruleset to make more complex naming rules. Again, look at my example for details.

That's about it. Once you understand how naming rules are made, and the objects that apply them, it's pretty simple.


Edit: if you are still having trouble after this, I'd need to see a copy of your mod in order to determine what's going wrong.

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Thanks for the detailed answer! I'll try to figure it out. In some cases, many weapon mods can be without those pkKeywords. We can always understand which mods a particular weapon has, by looking at their characteristics on the right (calibre and rate of fire) and almost all the rest can be determined by the appearance of the weapon. I hope that I was not mistaken with this.

Thanks again!

Edited by orangedeal
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