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Wont receive heirbloom!


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i need tokens from tribes to fulfill teh fifth prophesie im in erabenimsun camp where i have to kill some peopleto be named neravine, so i did. eventually this guy tells me that he will name neravine and i should seek out the wise woman to receive this tken, but she wont give it!! :(

what should i do?

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Are you sure


1) You are talking to the actual wise woman? There are several Ashlander women per camp that are easy to confuse.


2) You actually haven't got the token?


3) You are talking to the correct wise woman? There ARE four...


4) You have completed all the requirements necessary to get the token?


There are no known bugs with the Main Quest dialogue- it has been tested to death even more than all the other dialogue. If you really can't get the token, and you have tried all the above suggestions, PM me and I will give you the codes for the heirlooms. Or you can check in the CS yourself.


EDIT: problem solved via PM.

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