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Yes, Another CTD Issue & Two Questions


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I played Skyrim for around 250 hours when it first came out, then it just sat there until I picked it back up about 5 days ago... I know all the preparations you need to do to play with mods correctly, so I followed every direction in the link below. I spent about a full day (24 hours) downloading mods, and making sure everything was setup properly.




I'm using MO which I love, as I always used Nexus along with Wrye Bash and LOOT in the past. I now have SKSE, LOOT, Wrye Bash, TES5edit, and FNIS installed and only follow careful directions when I do anything with Wrye Bash and especially TES5edit.


I played the game for about a day after that full day of preparation, then when I got to Whitrun I made the mistake of installing more mods, which eventually led to nothing but fatal crashes... I ended up abandoning that game, and finally bought the DLCs for the first time so I could have all the mods in their most updated form.


I have now spent about two days (48 hours) reinstalling most of the mods I had which checking for updated versions and adding more mods - I figured out what was causing my crashes were mods that required DLCs, as well as thoroughly searching though all the excellent mods there are now. I can't believe what people have been able to do since I quit playing so many years ago.


So, now to the purpose of this thread. After all that careful preparation I have just done, I start the game up, and on the menu screen, as soon as I move the mouse, that game crashes. I am mostly using the same mods I did before, so I have no clue as to why this is happening... I am probably just going to completely uninstall and reinstall the game and all the DLCs, then reinstall every mod again, since I have them all backed up in a separate folder.



Something else that is weird, I have made a few Bashed Patches that worked perfectly, but the last three times I went to make one, I clicked the button to generate the patch, it would process, then Wrye Bash would just freeze. I had to Cntl-Alt-Delete to close the program, and the bash patch was in the overwrite folder after I did...


I guess I am not even seeking advice... Just venting my utter frustration... It shouldn't take nearly as long now since all mods are downloaded, and all I have to do is reinstall everything...


I guess, while I am here, if you have made it through my ranting I will ask two questions:


1. Is there any way to move Skyrim to my other monitor without making it my main screen?


2. Is there any way to play with an xbox 360 controller and the keyboard/mouse?


I searched everywhere for solutions to these, and nothing worked for me... I found the link below for question #2, but it didn't work for me.



Edited by TheWickedGamer
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I started a vanilla game from a save I downloaded on Nexus. Everything loaded correctly, but when it loaded everything was black except the compass, and I could see things like a door, and there is a weird squiggly red line at the bottom right of the screen. I took screenshots:



Also, on the first picture at the top you see that the Patch Speedhack is disabled through what I assume is ENBoost. Everything always works through ENBoost except this, anyone know why?





Edited by TheWickedGamer
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This was driving me crazy wondering what was going on... But I figured it out, I was using FPS Counter and Post Processing Effects mod FROM HERE, I had dropped the files in the Skyrim data folder (I assumed this was how to install it since there was no directions). As soon as I removed them, the vanilla version worked, I haven't tried my modded version...

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