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Play as a "good guy"?


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(I'm not sure if this has already been done, but I couldn't find any mods that do this - if it already has, please tell me!)

In Skyrim, there are a lot of "evil" questlines, like The Dark Brotherhood. When I play, I try and complete all of the quests I receive - which means that once I run into Brynjolf in Riften and get the Thieves Guild starter quest, I feel compelled to do it. The issue is, I like to generally play as a good guy, doing quests to help people and only killing bandits most of the time. Unfortunately, to get something like Shadowmere (which is my horse of choice, for obvious reasons) you have to be terrible and play through the Dark Brotherhood questline. If you destroy the Dark Brotherhood, you get basically nothing - just a bit of money. So here's my suggestion: add alternatives for all of the "evil quests" that offer either the same or equally good rewards.

Please leave thoughts and suggestions below.

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