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Fnis mode error 2023


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So I decided to uninstall a mod and I went through the fnis process of uninstalling.

When starting a new game I get the dreaded everyone is out of the horse carriage in and game is messed up position situation. While attempting to troubleshoot, I've come across the 2023 error. Being the fnis program isn't showing what the outlining issue is,I'll need a hand troubleshooting.

The mod I had uninstalled is asx adult show.

So far I have

Uninstalled fnis and asx adult show

Multiple run fnis

Force deleted the fnis mod by going to c:\program files x86 \steam\data\meshes\actors\character \animations

(That has worked on the past for me and after a couple of fnis runs it worked fine.)

And lastly I'm about to reinstall asx adult show to see if the dang thing is forced to remain on the game.

Anyway thanks for any help given.

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The "out of the horse carriage" issue has nothing to do with FNIS or ASX. That's a well known Skyrim problem, and there are hundreds of posts related to that. And that's why you should use the "Alternate Start" mod.


Everything else you describe is totally vague and confusing. Error 2023 usually comes when messing up the FNIS installation. Sometimes also when you have a bad Antivirus that gives a false positive for the tool hkxcmd.exe.


In any case, if you have an FNIS related problem, your FULL generator output (text copy/paste) is needed to figure out what YOU have done wrong. Whatever you describe with "force delete" is certainly the wrong idea.

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