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Hardcore mod, "DiD"like


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Some time ago I've seen a Requiem playthrough on YT and dude was useing a mod, Dead is Dead'like but it added an 'extra life' for every dragon killed/deadric quest made. And now I can't for the life of me find it anywhere. So ye... if any1 knows the mod or maybe if it's ez enought to make plz halp :ermm:




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Wow so there is a grammar police after all?! :huh: Well, not everyone is a nativ english speaker and you don't have to be a **** about it.


Back to the topic... Samirpls on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5M993Q3Hvs&t=127s was useing this thingie, but as far as I understand it's his 'private' mod and he didn't make it public. I'm looking for something similar.

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Wow so there is a grammar police after all?! :huh: Well, not everyone is a nativ english speaker and you don't have to be a **** about it.



To be honest I am not sure if there are any societies that police grammar. In the United States of America, speech is not policed; on the contrary, it is free (well free to a practical extent). I understand not everyone speaks English as their first language. That is why I believe it is important that those who do speak the language provide good examples for those trying to learn the language... especially in environments (such as online forums) where lots of non-native speakers can interact with them. Wouldn't it be awful if you were learning a second or third language and the only real world examples you had to go on where lazy half scrawled sentences?


The point is that the original poster was lazy. Native speaker or not, he was propagating a cultural archetype that I disagree with. He was blending the evolution of efficient communication with the emulation of expression used to maintain a specific image within lesser educated demographics. Which is his right. It is also my right to provide an ultimatum involving the withholding of information as a consequence of his behavior.


P.S. the mod you seek is publicly available (I use it myself), but it has nothing to do with that YouTube link.

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Some time ago I've seen a Requiem playthrough on YT and dude was useing a mod, Dead is Dead'like but it added an 'extra life' for every dragon killed/deadric quest made. And now I can't for the life of me find it anywhere. So ye... if any1 knows the mod or maybe if it's ez enought to make plz halp :ermm:





Kind of sounds like Immortal Dragonborn that, as far as I know, is only available on the Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=223072033 (hopefully the link works)

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