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Companion NPC "Breaks" and starts running into me


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At some point in nearly every play through one of my NPC's... usually Danse or Deacon... will simply break and start trying to occupy the same space as me. They'll run up and attempt to stand AT my location. Then they'll back up a few paces, turn around and look at me, then RUN up and attempt to occupy the same space as me again. Needless to say this makes keeping them around impossible. It's maddening. Not only does it ruin immersion it makes having conversations very frustrating and taking any kind of stealth sniping shot just impossible. It's maddening. Like: smashing my face into my keyboard kind of maddening.


So, I've tried quite a bit to try and correct the problem. I've tried saving and reloading the game. I've tried dismissing the NPC and re"hiring" them later (after they've left the cell I'm in). I've attempted to correct the behavior with console commands:


disable followed by enable




set iFollower_dist_Near to 1.5


Nothing works. My concern is that I have no idea what causes the problem in the first place. Nor have I found any way to correct it once it begins. The only way to "fix" it is to load a save from before the behavior started. Right now I'm facing having to choose between losing nearly twenty hours of game play or being able to use Paladin Danse again this play through.


So, has anyone else run into this? What causes it? And, perhaps most importantly, does anyone out there know of a solution?




Edited by WHITELION1284
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I've had that before, with X6. I unintentionally fixed it for myself by simply getting killed. When the save reloaded it was all fine again.

I've had numerous characters since and haven't seen it again.

Maybe my fix was just a fluke and it was really a mod conflict, I don't know.

It's what worked for me at the time.

Edited by star-mystyk
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I have had the problem before with Garvey and never found the solution I just finished getting his perk and changed companions not having the problem with anyone else. I have no idea what caused it and I deleted those saves when I restarted with a different mod loadout so I have no idea if the problem was fixed on him because I don't like companions being "dumb".

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