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Can't use any of the ENB. It causes CTD.


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I previously installed Load Accelerator and I have the ENB v0.311, I copy paste everything from the DL'ed ENB's (ThHE ONES THAT IVE TRIED: Nuclear Fusion ENB, Decent ENB, NHR 4k HDR ENB, ELEP Vanilla Cut ENB) except for Enblocal.ini because Load Accelerator uses that (I comparedit w/ the DL'ed ENB's, no difference except for Load Accelerator). Here's what my localenb.ini looks like:


...any help??
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From the ENB v0.311, you only need to copy two files from the wrapper version folder




into your Fallout 4 directory (Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout4)

Next, manually install the ENB preset you want to use by copying the files from the ENB preset into the Fallout4 directory (as mentioned above)

Once this is done, open up the enblocal.ini (that you've just placed in your Fallout4 directory)

You need to alter the setting VideoMemorySize=

(this video by Tapioks will help you determine the optimal value based on your system specs)


If after doing this, your ENB still isn't working in-game, then it's obvious that this Load Accelerator is the cause of the issue, and should be removed


P.S. don't bump posts, it doesn't increase your chances of getting a response.

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Nevermind, it was DEF_F***ing_UI + ENB Preset that was causing the CTD! Removed DEF_UI, I recently installed both and was convinced that ENB was the cause, but it wasnt'! now works like a charm!

I'm using Decent ENB now but I noticed the fps loss. Can you recommend me a more performance-friendly ENB??

Edited by JustANewb
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Good that you have it working. Not had a problem like that using DEF UI myself.

That's a tricky question regarding performance-friendly ENB's, the reason being that presets that have a minimal effect of fps tend to be the blandest looking/barely different to vanilla FO4 imho, plus it's also dependent on your system specs. All the ENB's that I'd personally recommend do come with a performance hit (Pathos, Pilgrim, XCinema, PRS, Psy-Fi, ChalkOutline,Painterly,PaintedWasteland,GrimWolf,LastLight etc) although I'd recommend you try out TreyM's VintageFilmLooks (his Kodachrome one was the first ENB for Fallout4 that I used and it's relatively performance friendly) or instead maybe CinematicFilmLooks (as it has a lot of customization)

Aside from any of those mentioned above, you could try Borealis Cinematic Presets, or if you'd rather have a very grim looking preset, TV ENB isn't taxing at all.

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Thanks man! I found the ENB for me (for now), pretty old but still works. Its REAL FORCE ENB. Good enough to maintain 60fps but the DECENT ENB was beautiful ^_^

One unrelated question though..I recently tried merging mods so I won't hit the mod limit. The mod is Weightless Fallout, and it contains A LOT of ESPs! It was one of my earlier DL'ed mod and has been a mainstay in my save file.


So I deep override the weightless ESPs into one single ESP -> Save -> Deactivated the other ESPs -> Continue save game.


My question is..Is it safe to continue my save w/out the other ESPs?? Cuz you know, the main ESP already has the functions of the others??

If its safe, i'll probably do the others too. Mostly armor / weapon mesh replacer that won't get an update anymore.


Sorry for bumping too..been a while since I last posted here at Nexus.

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if You want gain performance, change this values in enblocal.ini


It may cause some textures to became blured due to less vram usage, but you can varry betwen diffrent values, in my case it was problem so i sacrified 5 / 10 fps to gain highest quaality of textures
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Recent versions of ENB include the ENBoost function, so that you can alter the VideoMemorySizeMb= setting & ENB will utilize your system ram alongside your actual vram (although obviously system ram used in this manner is really slow compared to vram)

With your system specs, you'd be able to safely use a value of 11000 whilst still having enough for your OS and the game.

You can break it down like this:

16gb (ram) + 3gb (vram) - 4gb (OS) - 4gb (FO4) = 11000 (mb's)




if You want gain performance, change this values in enblocal.ini

It may cause some textures to became blured due to less vram usage, but you can varry betwen diffrent values, in my case it was problem so i sacrified 5 / 10 fps to gain highest quaality of textures


512mb? The minimum vram requirement for vanilla Fallout4 is 2gb of vram.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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