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After becoming leader of a group shouldn't the dragonborn be treated differently?

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I apologize if this is already posted somewhere else, I was unable to find it.

Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V

Is it just me or have other people wondered why after the dragonborn becomes the "head" or "leader" of a group in the game that the other members of that group don't treat the dragonborn any different that before they became "head" or "leader" and in some cases the dragonborn is even kicked out of the group as if they were still a regular member and not the leader?

For example; after the dragonborn becomes arch-mage of the winterhold college, they can still be kicked out and have to talk to Tolfdir to become a member of the college again?

Or, when the dragonborn becomes the leader of the thieves guild or the leader of the dark brotherhood, they are not treated any differently than they were before they became leader?

Now I'm saying that the other npc's should bow down before the dragonborn or anything like that, I'm simply saying that for example; when the dragonborn walks by one of the members of the thieves guild in the ragged flaggon, instead of saying something like "you stay out of my way, and I don't kill you. simple, isn't it?" they should be a bit more respectful or at the very least not say anything at all.

If there is a mod for this kind of thing, please let me know.



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Many more voiced dialogue lines are required for that to happen, so unless those "official" voice actor all willing to "cooperate", which is not likely to happen, there won't be mods for this matter.


However I completely agree with OP, IMO the guild quests are not well executed as laziness can be found everywhere.

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