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Body texture disappears after several loading screens


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Hi guys. I just started getting this bug, first time I've ever seen it.








This is taken outside of the REPCONN hidden entrance. To produce this I went into and out of the trapdoor about 8 times. After the first 4 or so my skin turned shiny, as if the shader wasn't loading properly. Unfortunately I don't have a pic of that. A few loads later, the skin turned completely black. I have tried disabling and reenabling archive invalidation to no effect. I have not yet tried reinstalling skin or body mods.


I am currently using Mojave Delight. I believe this character is the "posh" race.

The body textures used are the ones that came with the mod. The face textures are from DK Female.

The ENB I am using is Lucent. I should note that I started having this issue very soon after I started using this ENB. I have tried disabling it in-game to no effect so far but have not yet tried reproducing without the ENB loaded at all.


So anyway, this is just a feeler post to see if anybody else might be able to help. I'm suspicious that it might be the ENB and I will run further tests, but I thought I would post this in the meantime. Thanks for any help anybody has to offer.



I was unable to reproduce this issue after deactivating this ENB. I have used other ENBs recently and never come across this issue. Does anybody know what could be causing it with this particular one? I'm not very familiar with how they work.



I fixed this issue. I set the EnableCompression flag to true in the enblocal.ini file. (Every other ENB I've used had it set to true but this one.) I loaded cells 32 times and was unable to reproduce the issue, so I believe it is solved. This ended up being kind of a useless post, but I hope it helps anybody who encounters this problem in the future.

Edited by Duderoth
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