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Help! CTD outside shriekwind bastion: RoadChunkL03, failed to produce loaded node


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I have some kind of bug that has me stumped. I walk up to the entrance of shriekwind bastion and ctd. Crash fixes gives me the error:

23 Jun 21:29:11 Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID: 0x49325, base form ID: 0x1812F and type: 0x22 failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons.

I looked this form id up and it is for [REFR:00049325] (places RoadChunkL03 [sTAT:0001812F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00009BDC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,-17)).

I looked up 1812F and three plugins, skyrim.esm, my graphics plugin merge esp, and dyndolod output.esp. Skyrim references landscape/roads/RoadChunkL03.nif whereas the other two reference realroads/roadchunkl03.nif. I extracted the roads folder from skyrim meshes.bsa as well as real roads.bsa and ran them through nif healer, but neither returns a corrupted mesh. I tried toggling archive invalidation, no success.

I tried running in windows 7 to make sure windows 10 wasn't simply running out of vram.

None of the fixes I tried worked. Any ideas?
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