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If we add clothing to the clothing vendor list, does it conflict with other mods that do the same?

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You haven't included scripts so created it again but no success.

Quest inits, but items don't appear. Sorry, don't have more ideas what can be a problem.

Yes you can make items constructible on chemstation. Check constructible object category in CK. creating them is easy and intuitive, just how other consturctible objects.

Edited by shavkacagarikia
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Thanks so much for testing. I don't know what you mean, though, by 'you haven't included scripts' - the script was inside the suits mod, inside the 'quest'. Do you mean the script should have been a separate file: that is, rather than being included inside the suits .esp, it should have been a separate papyrus file? In any case, if you reconstructed the script and it doesn't work for you either, then it looks like sadly it can't work as we hoped it would. Such a shame, it looked like it should do what was needed.


Thank you SO very much for taking the time to help with this; I really appreciate it. It's not time completely wasted - at least I now have a basic idea of how scripts work in FO4 whereas before, I had no idea at all. I'll now look into the idea of constructing the items at the chem station and see how that goes.



Omigosh, I just tried setting them up to be constructed at the chem station, not expecting it to work because I wasn't sure what I was doing, and - it works!! I made them as a 'Utility' recipe that requires 2 units of cloth, and it worked fine! Oh, what a relief - it's actually probably better than having to go around looking for them in shops.


Thank you again for your help.

Edited by EsmeraldaF
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