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Is it good to be cautious


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I fear that my timidness in the construction set is holding me back from modding. What is the worst thing that can happen?
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Depends, what type of modding are you doing? If your just adding a new dungeon or something really simple, the potential consequences are pretty limited. Beyond that, I really can't say. The only type of modding I've done is to add new buildings and dungeons, so I wouldn't exactly have an informed view on the subject.
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The worst thing that can happen is to not make any mods. If you back up your saved games and your data directory then everything is safe. even if you have to completely reinstall you will still have your game, Then, when you find a stopping place while making a mod, back up what you have - I don't mean save, you should do that about every few minutes in the CS anyway.


The way I work is I have 2 sets of the save game directory - which also has the oblivion.ini and the entire data directory. One is for playing the game, the other is exclusively for modding. I rename them as CSdata or gamedata. which ever I am using gets renamed to data. and the save game folder CSOblivion or Gameoblivion - and again they get renamed as needed - I wrote a pair of small batch files to do that for me.


If you would like a copy of my batch files PM me.

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Next to none if you plan for mistakes. Make sure you have a good clean save. This means a save at a point where you're only using the mods you actually plan to use. You then use that save to load any mods you've made. If something ends up wrong, don't save the game, just exit, and see if you can fix it. If you don't like what you did, just disable/delete the mod, and you won't lose anything. Issues only happen if you happen to make a save with a mod running. The only things that won't be protected against are any changes to the .ini settings, and potential loss of whatever was in the autosave slot.


However, this does not mean that you should mod carelessly. You should always considder the impact your changes will have on the game. You should also avoid making any changes to Cell 3,3. Beyond that, you're only limited to what you can come up with, and what the game will let you do.

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