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No mods will work!

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I didn't bother reading the Readme and after downloading the Cheydinhal Petshop v17 Mod, I did something and now when I download any files from tesnexus.com it's downloads as a ZIP File that's only compatible with the TES Construction Set and isn't a zipped folder (the icon that's got a folder zipped up). My friend told me I had to extract all the files from the folder but I can't do that now. Please help me out. :unsure:
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There is no such thing as a zip file that is only compatible with the CS. I think you are trying to run the zipped file from the site instead of downloading it.


If you use Firefox, When you click on a file to download you should get a pop up window with a What should I do with this type question - if open is checked it will try to run the program from where it is. look for a save to disk option and select it.


It's been so long since I used MS Internet Explorer I don't remember how it works.


I have written a set of short tutorials for people new to mods. starting with how to download, what the various form of zipped files are, how to unzip - with a link to a free unzipping program (7-zip) that will work with all of the zip formats used on Tesnexus. Then how to get your unzipped file into your game plus some troubleshooting. It includes a small mod that can be downloaded from Tesnexus to use for testing. To go to the tutorials click on the highlighted text. http://thewormhole.nfshost.com/forum/index...opic,296.0.html


You may be asked to register, but it's free.


The test file is small, does not change anything in the game and can be erased at any time - it's good for troubleshooting download problems.

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