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DLC stuff?


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How exactly do i use DLC content without breakign the law? i've heard somewhre yu can make somthing dependent on the DLC but i've heard elswhere that you cant because its not a Master File. so how do i do this?
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If you use the De-Isolation Tutorial, you can make any mod your creating depend upon having the DLC. I ran into a similar problem a little while back, and I was told that realeasing any content from any DLC for free was NOT to be done. But if the DLC is required, then you should be able to use material from it in (and only in) the mod your making.
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nice thanks man by the way theres somthign about you know what in your messeges box


Hehe Ironic that we'll be using it for the exact same thing you were usign it for.

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