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New Skin not Replaced Skin


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Does anyone know how to add a new skin to a creature instead of replacing an existing one?


For example, if I wanted to add another type of skin for a unique deer or a chicken, or another animal.


I have tried adding a new texture set but I cannot seem to add the skin to the actor.


If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a bit late on this, but I found this link on the Creation Kit wiki. It helped me (although anyone who downloads my mod can't seem to see the textures, but I did notice mistakes that I made and haven't tested on another computer yet).


http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=9MYG4IvgKGo&feature=youtu.be&hd=1


Obviously just remove the spaces. :thumbsup: Good luck!

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Just create a skiny entry and reference from the original. Duplicate the original. Though you need to make sure everything is assembled. Cuz I was making a new skin for humans and it ends up missing arms and legs since ck doesn't really duplicate it, but insteads just copies the general names, but doesn't assort it with the other parts. Like arms,legs, and head. So sounds like you're making a new race, well that's how you'd have a new skin without altering the default one. Then, you just assign the skin to that race and these leg,arms,and maybe tail parts are all armor addon entries, so assign them like how they are in the original reference and then make sure it's not set to default race, but the name of the race you created or else heads,legs, and arms, etc will be missing. Good luck, I've been doing good on mine so far, I got a variety of hairstyles,noses, eyes, to work, but just not clothing :(
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