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Humanizing Da Elves


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Elves ain't humans. Dey got sharp pointy ears, slightly to severely slanted eye sockets, and long faces with pointy chins and high cheek bones. Don't humanize'em unless ya label'em as half-elven. Far as I'm concerned any attempt to make'em mo pretty by human standards attacks the whole concept of elves. I got no problem with half-elven. Tolkien's become so entrenched in the lore that the concept is here to stay,,,and I like it. Since we're talking about fantasy here, I won't EVEN get into the whole concept of genetics. So, If y'all want characters with a mix of elven and human characteristics, label them as such. I'm a bit surprised that Bethesda didn't create a half-elven race from the git-go. I guess they concluded that any such offspring would be pretty diverse in appearance. 'Sides, it be mo fun to create my own...and I usually run a character with at least some elven characteristics. I got a weakness fo pointy ears and high, prominent cheek bones.

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I'm a bit surprised that Bethesda didn't create a half-elven race from the git-go.





Really? Here all along I've assumed they were some kind of French spin off. Ah well, just goes to show that one should never ass-u-me anything.

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