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disfunktional, people physics get, a big fat guy...they are parasites, resourches - poluting- vaging, sirgury, tonns, random capitalization, etc



Actually I think the nazis would be ashamed to have him as a member... I mean, you can't be a candidate for the glorious new world if you can't even use basic english correctly!

Except they spoke German. :P


To be honest, I think this must be some kind of practical joke. The entire argument/rant/whatever is flawed in so many ways.


If we want to fix the world we should not alllow any disfunktional


According to whom?




By what standards? Your use of English is so atrocious that, according to some, this would include YOU.




Well, for a start, if you're talking about natural breeding, it would be quite a good trick to enable them to do this in order to not allow them to. If you're talking about through surrogate parenting/sperm donation, why not? Just because they don't fit your idea of normality does not mean they would not be good parents. Secondly, there is no evidence to suggest that homosexuality is genetic, if that's even relevant.




What, exactly, is included in this 'etc'?


and people with bad genes


Again, by what standards?


(loss of hair, bad sight,


These are symptoms of old age.


diseases that passes on to offspring) to breed.


So people who have an illness shouldn't breed? Apart from the obvious breach of civil liberties, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't 'illnesses' and 'birth defects' how evolution works?


These are the flaws in in the argument put forward in the first sentence of the post. To be honest, I can't be bothered to point out the rest.

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First off, the resulting bloodbath would kill too many people. Plus, all the people left would be too proud at having survived to do any actual work. This would cause them all to starve, which would wipe out the entire human race. Then again, considering that we are even talking about this, that might not be such a bad thing.
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I dont get it! How can you even think something like this? People who agree think they are perfect and frankly I'd like to see that.

Hey Magatsu, I dont find you pretty enough, sorry you have to die! Hey Dragon, you have a little pimple there. Sorry, you have to die! Hey Peregrine, you are short. Sorry, you have to die. Hey Malchik, how much is your weight? Sorry, 2 killos too much, you have to die! Is mankind losing any sense of sanity now?


I've heard a lot of stupid things but this, this isnt stupid anymore, this is scaring, really I never believed that someone could actualy think such things.

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Firstly, i would like to make abundantly clear that i do not agree with Magatsu at all, that being said...

I have at times also thought that eventually people with an IQ under 130 should be sterilized(as in unable to reproduce) i thought the process should be slow so that we dont eliminate the majority of the world, but the goal was so that eventually we would be a society of only geniuses. However, when i thought it up, it was just idle thinking. However, you went too far in saying physical deformities as well. Stephen Hawking( i think thats his name(im tired)) is the smartest man in the world and he is crippled.


and then u made the biggest mistake of all, you had to go and insult america. Now for that u should be castrated, infected with leprecy, have your eyes gouged out, and be forced to spend a night at a mens maximum security prison sharing a cell with a convicted child molester. If i knew where u lived(if it wasnt too big an inconvenience) i would come over with a good old American baseball bat and pull a Joe Pesci on you.(for those of u who have no taste in movies, Joe Pesci is very...persuasive with a baseball bat)


Now if i get put on the "strike list" for flaming, threatening, etc., its worth it. Becuase i will hunt you down next time you even think of insulting the good old US of A.

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and then u made the biggest mistake of all, you had to go and insult america. Now for that u should be castrated, infected with leprecy, have your eyes gouged out, and be forced to spend a night at a mens maximum security prison sharing a cell with a convicted child molester. If i knew where u lived(if it wasnt too big an inconvenience) i would come over with a good old American baseball bat and pull a Joe Pesci on you.(for those of u who have no taste in movies, Joe Pesci is very...persuasive with a baseball bat)


Now if i get put on the "strike list" for flaming, threatening, etc., its worth it. Becuase i will hunt you down next time you even think of insulting the good old US of A.

this might come as off topic, but so be it (I was not going to touch this post orriginally, anyway, just because of the posts in it!). the "Good Old US of A" is no longer as good as it seems. and, as an american, under the first amendment, i have the right to say that. as should any other, for it is a basic right all humans should have. he comes off as crazy for posting these extremeist views, but he, as an individual, has the right to say them. he doesnt, however, have the right to follow through with these views, and if he does, than by all means cast the first stone. i, as an individual, do not agree with his views. a mass genocide to all who seem unfit to reproduce would be aggainst ethical judgement. and who are we to judge the masses unfit? if we were one of them, which we are, we would not want to be put to death for being different. we would rather live with our differences in peace, some of us alone because we cant face the faces of others who are our peers.




now then, how to make the world different....hmm...well, for one, The World would be better if the there were less hate, murderring, and U.S. involvement in useless exploits only for profit

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First off, genetics does not determing a persons IQ. I have scored well above your baseline score, and neither of my parents came close. So your suggestion to stop the 'stupid' people from breeding is flawed to the point of being idiotic.


But take a society of only people with an IQ over 130; who would do the work?

Do you really think that any genius would want to pick up trash for a small living, when they could be researching, developing, or furthering 'society' for a much fatter paycheck?


The simple answer is no. That is why it is the general opinion that people who pick up trash for a living are lower than themselves. The majority of people think that the people who actual WORK for a living are stupid, and aren't worth living. I believe that the world would be a better place without theories like these.

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I have a terrible sight. I wear glasses cause I'm as good as blind if I dont. So you say the world would be better off without me?


I must say I feel very offended by this thread and I demands it's closure.

watch out Magatsu is out to get you!!!!!!!!!!!


you should be offended, this may be a place for opinions but this thread by Magatsu is a little......... too offensive even to peole who are not in the retardes class and all the other classes Magatsu mentioned.


sickening to see a fellow morrowind player feel this way.



@Magatsu: get a life in the real world!!!!!!!!!!!

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Firstly, about the IQ thing, i said it was idle thinking. I didnt really mean it, just what i meant was that a utopian society only required people of intelligence which was in contradiciton to what mugatsu said about killing anyone will physical problems or even for being gay. I didnt really mean it. Secondly, its not really extreamist views, it just annoys me when people go around criticizing countries as a whole. Thirdly, Breton Thief Oriana said he was using first amendment to say it wasnt such a great country, which just proves my point. The US is such a good country that the government gives you the right to say how bad the country is, sure the country has fallen on bad times, but it aggravates me when i see people who live in America and yet who badmouth it. If you have a problem, get out. Lastly, so I have a bit of nationalism and pride in my country, i mean i was joking about all those threats, but whats wrong for having pride in your country? Im not an extreamist but it just aggravates me when people stereotype an entire people, saying all Americans are fat and lazy is like saying all Germans are Nazis or all Australians are crcodile wrestlers. In my opinion, if your people are being stereotyped and you dont stand up for yourself, then you are a coward. Lets end that point there.



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@ DragonReborn: much better, im proud of you. there is nothing i would change about the U.S. except its morals and ethics. I take pride in what this country has accomplished, and what it was meant to stand for, never saying that it was bad, only that it could be beter. There are great things we can accomplish. however, dont you agree that some of these things are unethical, corrupted, not what they should be? i put this to you-when we went into vietnam, or the gulf, or iraq recently, what did we have to do there? it was not our job, and we caused some of a problem just for a slice of international pie. this is what we shouldnt do, because it causes the people around the world to hate us. but, there is alot to enjoy about this country, until we create such a hateful world that it murders us in our sleep. And, though I may prove your points, I also have those of my own, which should be heard, because they exhibbit the fraction of flaws in yours, just as you pointing out that me proving you exhibbits the flaws in mine. Regardless, our freedoms make us a great nation; not our exploits of conquest. "The world would fall if under a single roof, because the foundations of liberty have not yet been poured. However, the United States is no mason, and therefor has little ability to erect a slab of concrete freedom, even if its free of termites." (Quoting myself, with a newly made up metaphor)
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