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tell me why this isn't working

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Sorry should be OnInit(), forgot the ()


EDIT - fixed error in code, try pasting again.


Another way you can add the perks is making them properties.


Oh BTW, Don't forget to FILL THE PROPERTIES after compiling script. If you change the Quest name on the code to same as quest name in your esp, you can just use Auto-fill.

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We seem to be getting closer. For simplicity sake I cut it down to one perk. Now the error is


Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "BoringPerksScript"...
C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\BoringPerksScript.psc(19,23): extraneous input 'b254' expecting RPAREN
No output generated for BoringPerksScript, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on BoringPerksScript
The perk it's trying to add is 0004b254, which is rank 1 of armorer.
Oh for reference, the mod this will be for is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24972/? , so once we get the 'basics' down I'm confident I can craft the if-then variables and subroutines for the 49 levels.
Relevant code
Function AddPlayerPerks()
PlayerRef.addperk(0004b254) ;NOTE: If you didnt want the player to be a property, you could do Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk() however this is slower. 
So somehow even though it's in (), it's seeing the "b254" as separate from the rest?
Edited by securitywyrm
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Yeah try the above fix with PlayerRef.AddPerk(0004b254) Instead of AddPerk 0004b254

Scriptname BoringPerksScript extends Quest

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const  ;Make the player a property because we will reference him more than once
Quest Property BoringPerkQuest Auto Const   ;Reference to the quest itself

Event OnInit()

Function LevelCheck()
while PlayerRef.GetLevel() <= 2 ;Start a loop to wait for when the player exceeds level 2
Utility.Wait(3)  ;This is so the loop doesnt run at a million miles an hour

Function AddPlayerPerks()
PlayerRef.AddPerk(0004b254) ;NOTE: If you didnt want the player to be a property, you could do Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk() however this is slower. 

I made the change, same error.


Edit: Also, I don't know what you mean by "fill the properties once it compiles." I didn't see anything about that in the tutorials I've seen so far, they all said to leave it alone.


EDit: Also tried Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk() , same error.


Edit: think I found something, in a skyrim thread it said "you need to declare your perks as perk properties, not use their form IDs"

I have no idea how to do that.

Edited by securitywyrm
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Yeah I thought formID wouldn't work, wasn;'t sure.


So you should see the properties button on the quest script tab. These are the objects your script needs to know about, otherwise it won't know what to apply the script to.


Google CK Papyrus Properties, there are some good links to show you what to do there.


On the script, your perk properties would look like this:


Form Property PERKTOADD Auto Const


and your AddPerk function would look like:




Substitute PERKTOADD with the exact name of the Perk as it appears in CK (the EditorID). THen you will be able to Auto-FIll your properties.

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Surely it would be better to have a single property that is an array of perks, and loop through them, rather than thirteen different properties? Though I suppose you can't auto-fill that.

It would be but for now we get him used to using basics.


OP: Make sure everything mentioned in the script, especially the properties, are exact name (EditorID) as they are in CK.

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