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Mini-Guide: How to use SM event Node: Increase Level


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We make a quest and script that runs everytime player levels up.



1. Go to quest tab, click new: https://imgur.com/a/X1oFS


2. We give our quest name: https://imgur.com/a/q0WZ6

- If we want our quest to run only once, we check "run once", otherwise it will run every time player levels up

- If we want it to run more than once, we select "allow repeated stages"


3. Go to Scripts tab, press Add and select new script: https://imgur.com/a/JhtGw


4. Let's give our script a name and namespace(optional): https://imgur.com/a/HXVsV

- Click OK and then right click our script and "Edit Source"


5. Make a new function in the script and give it a name we can remember: https://imgur.com/a/Qmo1K

- Then click Save and let it compile


6. Let's make a new stage that will run our script when the quest is started by Story manager: https://imgur.com/a/LvYz0

- Make sure every checkbox is like in the picture and fragment matches

- Select our new script in the "kmyquest"

- Do as is done in the picture

- Click OK at the end


7. Let's find the SM event node in Creation kit and select Increase Level event: https://imgur.com/a/TadtF

- Open it


8. Select the top most thing in the Increase Level window and select "New Quest Node": https://imgur.com/a/lCJfr

- Make sure you don't touch the things that are already there, so we don't make any conflicts with other mods


9. Let's add a quest to the Stacked Quest Node we just made: https://imgur.com/a/YH0xP

- Select Add Quests


10. Let's select the quest we made earlier: https://imgur.com/a/Oz7SU

- Click OK


11. Thats it! Now we have a script that runs every time player levels up: https://imgur.com/a/P32MU



Feel free to test it in game. You can increase your level by 1 and you should see a message in the top left corner. For example: if your level is 10, type this in console: player.setlevel 11 and you should see the message.

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