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Making a talking Draugr. Need some help.


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I am trying to make a questline and have the draugr at the end of the dungeon speak with the player. Ignoring the forced speech (The player automatically entering conversation when he/she enters the room) for now, I can't get conversation to work at all with a draugr race. It works when I set race to imperial (Or any other standard race), but not when I set race to Draugr. The conversation opens up and the quest works, except for the fact my draugr is an living person. I assume it has something to do with the lip synch.


I am new to modding and realize it is probably some technical thing I didn't realize, but any ideas?

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Open the Character tab in your object window, find the tab "Race"

Find DraugrRace - Duplicate (call it something like DraugrRaceConv or whatever you like)

then check the box that says "Allow PC dialogue" This should do it. The reason i say duplicate is just so you don't mess up the other draugr npc's :)

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Thank you so much. I have taken your suggestion to duplicate the race and believe that should fix the problem. I thank you very much for your help and hope that I can figure out my other problems. Which brings me to a second question. Would it be better to simply tack on questions to this topic (changing it to a general help topic for my issues) to keep the board cleaner or should I just create new topics as needed? I'm going to go check the site rules (just to be sure), but I'm not sure which people on the boards prefer.


EDIT:: For others trying to create a new race; remember to put the base race in your morph selection. If you don't it won't show anything. I don't know who has, will, or can create new data to put there, but I know this was the fix for me.

Edited by AlexanderKenneth
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