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[Help][Creation Kit] Load only the .esp


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hi i'm a newbie with this kit. i'm looking for a way to load a plugin in creation kit without load skyrim.esm as well. i wanted to change some damage of custom weapon from other people mod's. is there anyway to do that?


note: i tried with skyedit. it worked, but im curious in creation kit

note 2 : and i just tried to edit damage for wuuthrad. in game its written 52 damage, and yet its written as 25 in the creation kit, i change it into 150. run the game and pressed " i " and the game exit itself. why is it?




thanks a lot

Edited by kamilpasha
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Actually, I`m quite curious how to do it as well. All I can say for now is that CK (and the whole import custom content procedure) is VERY unfriendly towards new users. Those who used to mod for Morrowind or Oblivion have it much easier, but we, newbs, regardless of our other skills (such as modelling or creating textures) are at complete loss with this. I don`t even know how to open a file, which file to set as master, which to set as active or plugin, what is the difference at all between them etc...something very easy and natural to experienced modders. And no, wiki is not very helpful either. Now toss in the fact that to some of us english is not our native language and...yea, a mess.


Oh well...I guess for some of us it was never meant to be. :[

Edited by MacKom
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You "never, ever" want to edit/build a mod without having the skyrim.esm loaded also. There are a lot of links and dependencies between data in/from the ESM, and unless that data is loaded, it will get borked if you save an esp that doesn't have it to reference. This is why the toolset forces you to load the master ESM. You can load just the esp in TESVSnip, but if you change any parts of a record that requires master data refs, it will get messed up.



I can understand that learning a new tool can be frustrating. However, I have to say that this toolset was not designed for a complete novice, it was designed to be used by the developers who put content in the game. And if you don't know how to do things like load files, I suggest you go start with the tutorials on the CreationKit Wiki, instead of complaining how hard it is or how much you don't understand. I may sound a bit harsh there, but really the only one holding you back is you. Find tutorials, go through them, multiple times in needed, eventually you will be able to do the basic stuff with ease, then more advanced stuff. Nobody is an expert over night.

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@Sunnie - yea, I know I sounded a bit "wahwahwambulance" like back there. I know that creating custom content (and mind you - quality custom content) is not an easy task. I actually used to mod myself back in the day. I used to handle other programs, which actually got me to where I am now, doing what I do. But, from my POV (which is not that of an utter mod noob) - CK IS very complicated. The process IS very complicated. And, ultimately, the question is - how much is it really worth it? All those hours spent learning, failing, learning some more etc. (you know the process ;) ) - just to get , say, one hair mod into game?


Yes, modding IS fun. TES modding, tho...hm...:/

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It's about perspective, really. What most perceive to be something simple is actually some of the hardest things to do, like hair or armor models. And with that stuff, the toolset really isn't a factor at all in making them work, it's the complicated nif format and the lack of official tools for working on them that makes it near impossible for the average novice modder, and something that the novice should never start off with when first trying to learn how to mod a game. It's a pretty common theme that I have seen over the years, novices biting off more than they can chew, and trying to be experts over night starting the learning process on the most advanced stuff. For some folks, that's fine, for most though it never ends with anything other than frustration and giving up.
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It's about perspective, really. What most perceive to be something simple is actually some of the hardest things to do, like hair or armor models.


Yes! Exactly! Thank you!


I knew we`d find a common ground somewhere :D


Thing is - I have no problem in opening up ZBrush, sculpting the hair, exporting it to TopoGun, doing the retopology, export the low res mesh into 3DSMax, doing the UVMap, importing it back into TG, baking AO and normal map, and compiling it all in Photoshop to recreate the texture and give it more detailing. No biggie. That`s the fun part!


What I`m terrified of is figuring out which tools to use to import it into Skyrim (I mean, we have the CK, and tessnip and nifscope and Sky Edit and...on and on), making sure I don`t miss out that one comma in one shader property file (or what you call it) etc. And when something goes wrong (and it always does. Well, at least in my case ^_^` ), you have to drag your mod through all of these programs to see where that one mistake (or that one comma) is...I mean, phew!



Yea, I know, there I am, sounding all whiny again...AND I managed to completely change the subject of this topic. Me so sorry, OP.


Actually...I just got an idea. All this rabble was not in vain after all. :D

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Thats why it's all about how interested you are, i started off a little steep, im used to NWN modding which is relatively easy, even the scripting in the aurora toolset makes more sense than just setting up a quest with the CK..actually making papayrus scripts also is less complicated than getting quests to work properly, but thats me, if i keep going at it will become easier. But to be honest, everything you start with will seem complicated right away, but keep motivating yourself that in the end it will become easier if you don't give up. Thanks to the people here on the forum, including Sunnie, i got out of situations where my knowledge did not suffice. So to be honest, even if i now know how to mod, i DID bite off more than i could chew like Sunnie said, it can be quite demotivating, but keep pushing yourself, trust me, when i started learning modeling for example i did not play games for many weeks, i only opened skyrim to check how the model worked with custom weighting and to see if the normal map was good. I guess it's subjective, but for me the whole learning process despite the frustration was totally worth it, but i can understand the frustration as i went from NwN modding to this which was like climbing a wet vertical rockwall to begin with, or well you get the basics easily enough, but it's the things that could be obvious to experienced TES modders that can prove to be a pain in the backside for others.


A good tip to frustration is to leave the problem left alone for a while, get it out of your head and do something else until you are ready to troubleshoot yet again, confronting problems in frustration usually complicates things even further.

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Okay now I see Tera Stuff (Thanks)


Anyways I'm trying to create a Smelt Mod for Tera Armors and Weapons...then hopefully I can make a Smelting Mod for Any Mod that Users adds to their game based on Rules, but it feels like it would require a Program (Don't know any languages) or MCM...and if I had a hard time using CK...the following well never happen



- Simple 1. (Probably change all requirements into higher number...Steel Sword needs 2Steel Ingot while Steel Dagger needs 1 Steel Ingot???)

Give 1 less Ingot for every 2 Ingot

- Simple 2. Bonuses Give 1 ore/lesser Ingot for Odd number (I don't know how the Bonus would work), Give back Soul Jems when disenchant (Less XP) if Enchanted, yield more Materials if tempered (+Ore/Lesser Ingot Per Level)


- Overhaul 1.
Smelt by Item instead of by Outcome/Ingot (Seeing as Skyrim by Default doesn't allow you to Smelt in Bulk...Skyrim...devs...facepalm...it would only make sense to choose what your going to smelt if your going to Smelt in Bulk...if not then it fails cause Users are smelting there own stuff...hence why Devs never included it in game...but if it was done with way Player could smelt their armors without smelting things by accident
- Overhaul 2.
Multi-Choose/Amount (Preview + Bulk), Blacklist Item for No Smelting (Like adding to Favorites or just Blacklist Favorites), Give SkyUI a replacement for Tan & Smelt (Only SkyAway does that, but there is need for SkyCraftUI)
- Overhaul 3. (Optional Mod)
Unique Enchants for Armor & Weapons: Skill Growth, Carry Weight, Attack/Cast Speed, Revive, etc and Smelt/Tanning Enchants yields higher Outcome


- Overhaul 4. (If Overhauled)

Has a Recipe then based on Most Expensive or Category Material when Smelting Give 1 ore for coming 1 short of ingot (Odd Number) and 1 ingot for every 2 Required. (Steel Sword = 2 Steel Ingots and 1 Iron Ingot = 1 Steel Ingot + 1 Steel Ore + 1 Iron Ore...in which I know 1 Iron Ore = 1 Ingot)


- Overhaul 5. (If you decide to smelt by Outcome rather than Item)

If it was made with either Leather or Metal then use Smelt to recover Melt, but Lost Leather, a versa. Cause for some add reason Studded stuff never has smelting


Thanks for Clarifying (I was watching the Status Menu and didn't see TeraArmors Load)

In 2020 I plan to make SkyCraftUI...just joking


I takeback everything I found TES5Edit...with Automaton Tools...THEY WILL RUE THE DAY I MOD, RUE I TELL YOU, RUE, MHAHAHA

Edited by Lukong1515
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