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[LE] Creation Kit: Modify an existing cell after completing a quest?

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I don't think you can do this method with a script attached to something. Because it has to be the correct door before the player activates it. You would have to put the script on something the player has to activate to before going to the door. Do it in a quest stage.


So, would the script have to extend something else, like a quest? What should I set the event trigger to? How would I write this script? (Sorry for all the questions. As you can probably tell, I know nothing about scripting.)

Edited by bethari
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I don't think you can do this method with a script attached to something. Because it has to be the correct door before the player activates it. You would have to put the script on something the player has to activate to before going to the door. Do it in a quest stage.


Nah, use the already placed XMarker.




I'm surprised that you say that script compiled, since it's missing a closing endif. Here's what I use; assuming that XMarker controls the doors, all you should need to do is add it to your XMarker in the reference editor and set up your properties:



Scriptname yourscriptname extends ObjectReference  

Quest Property enablingQuest Auto

Event OnCellAttach()
    if enablingQuest.IsCompleted()
        if IsDisabled()
    elseif IsEnabled()


It'll be enabled if the quest is done, and disabled otherwise, updating everything to which it is an enable parent.

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