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Da-Da-daaam! Claymore!


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Righto, before I start there are a few things I'd like to get down first;


1. I am not a modder myself so I have no idea whether this is actually possible to pull off.

2. If you are -against- anime, or anything related to anime, I highly advise you to stop reading this thread like, right now.

3. It would be nice if you had actually seen / read the anime / manga known as Claymore, at least it'll be easier to understand what I'm going at.


Yoma and Claymore warriors alike are powered by a demonic energy, Yoki, which allows shape-shifting and extreme strength. When warriors use too much Yoki, they "awaken." The whole idea I had in mind was "What if it were possible to exchange the whole vampire-curse / stage levels of the curse with that of Yomas / Claymores and their Yoki?" As an example:


Stage 1: The Yoma/Claymore warrior gains a faint buff as well as the yellow tinted eyes.


Stage 2: Stronger / faster, perhaps a retexture if possible to make it look more appearant?


Stage 3: And even further increasement in buffs + life detection and what not.


Stage 4: "Awakening" Continues with the buffs and so on + makes guards and other humanoids / creatures alike hostile towards you.


Well that's it, feedbacks are highly appriciated however, anime-bashers, haters and what not can just get lost.


(If possible, it would be utterly awesome if npcs could be picked out as "Yomas" giving the player the feeling of being a claymore, as well as the joy of the hunt.)

Edited by FatalityKaz
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