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problem in mesh


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Hi all

i'm learning to make new armor for oblivion

i use maya and blender.


i make a semple test on lowerbody part and it look like this

i make sure that the nif export setting is right

any idea about this problem ??



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I've had that happen in Oblivion when I somehow ended up with my mesh parented to more than one skeleton.


Instead of trying to export it again from your blend file, try to import your malfunctioning nif back into a new blend file. Un-parent the body from the skeleton, delete the skeleton, and then with the mesh selected look in panels modifiers and see if there is any reference to an armature or anything else, and if so then delete that. then import a new skeleton and parent it to your nif. That is what worked for me in the past.


Before you do any of that, you might want to take a look at it in nifskope and see if there is a second SceneRoot - that would verify the problem.

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That should be OK. I was thinking more like a NiTriStrips Node named Scene Root within another NiTriStrips Node.


Something like: NiTriStrips Scene Root

- NiTriStrips LowerBody

- NiTriStrips Scene Root

- NiTriStrips LowerBody

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That looks normal to me. The only difference I see with what I have installed is the Bip01 L Op3 and Bip01 R Op3, Which are not in the HGEC Bodies I'm looking at. I think the Op3 is something to do with bouncing boobs. Is your in-game skeleton compatible with that? (Data\meshes\characters\_male skeleton.nif) Are you using the Maximum Compatibility Skeleton?

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Do you mean you are parenting your mesh to the skeleton from _male folder, because that usually doesn't work very well. What I do is parent to a skeleton from another clothing or armor or body part that has all the bones I require. In your case I would parent to the female lower body skeleton in the _m folder. In the import options it would be Import Skeleton Only and parent to selected.


Also you are using Blender 2.6. Blender 2.49b is most reliable for exporting a nif. I didn't think 2.6 could export a nif. 2.78c with the latest nif plugin is also an option.

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Lot's of problems.


As you say, no texture, that’s one of the problems. Before you export from blender the texture needs to be set up, even if it is only using a stand-in texture. But before you get to that point there are many other things that need to be done.


  1. First you need to remove all the doubled vertices. In Edit Mode use the “A” key to select all, then press “W” key and select “remove doubles
  2. Still in Edit Mode select Panels Edit and with all vertices/faces selected Set Smooth in the Panels Edit Menu
  3. Create a UV map. This is a very simple mesh so nothing difficult here. Split your screen and set the image type in the second window to UV/Image Editor Still in Edit Mode with your cursor over the window with your armor, Select All (with the “A” key) and press the “U” Key and Unwrap, and now you should see your UV map in the second window.
  4. Fix the material properties and texture. You can do this in Edit Mode or Object Mode, it makes no difference. Select Panels – Shading –Texture (or F6). In the panels menu select add new and in texture type - select Image. Now select Load button and navigate to a texture you want to use – it can be any working oblivion texture at this point, it’s just a stand-in for your final texture. Next we fix the material properties.
  5. Select Panels –Shading – Materials (or F5). In Map Input, select UV instead of Orco.
  6. At this point we can view the mesh with the texture in the 3D view window. In Edit Mode, and with your cursor over the UV Map window Select All (“A”) and load the texture you have chosen. Now you should see the texture applied to your mesh.
  7. Not done yet. Your mesh needs to be weighted and parented to the skeleton so that it will animate with the body. We need to separate the upper and lower parts of your mesh. In Edit Mode select Vertex Select Mode (Ctrl-Tab-Vertices), Use the Brush Tool (“B” Key) and use your scroll button to control size of brush and select all vertices in the upper body part of your mesh with nothing selected in the lower body. Press the “P” Key for the Separate Menu and choose Selected. Your Upper and Lower parts will now be separate Objects.
  8. Weighting and Parenting the Objects. In Object Mode Select the Upper body Object, then hold Shift and select your upper body armor. In Object Menu select ScriptsBone Weight Copy. Set quality to 2 and OK. (setting a higher quality wont make it any better, it just takes a lot longer). Now do the same for the Lower part of your armor and the lower body.
  9. Parent your armor to the skeleton. Your armor is already parented so you don’t need this, but if you did need to do it – select your armor, shift-select the skeleton, Ctrl-P – Armature – Don’t Create Groups.
  10. Quick test to make sure it is all parented. Select the skeleton, press “G” key to grab and use mouse to drag it around window to verify that everything moves with the skeleton. Ctrl-Z to undo move and return everything to it’s original position,
  11. Quick fix for possible rotation problem. Select All and Ctrl-A - Scale and Rotation to ObData. This is a precaution in case we have accidentally rotated anything while in Object Mode, All rotations must be done in Edit Mode.
  12. Export your Mesh and test it.
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