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[LE] Help with texture color mismatch

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Hello all,


I've been submitting racemenu presets for the past couple of weeks but today, i'm trying to develop my first texture based mod and since i just got access to the mod author page i figured i would come to the community for help. I'm combining Fair Skin and CloneSkin and i've pretty much gotten the player character to look correct, but the vanilla followers are having an issue with a neckseam that is not present on the player character. Please see below. Note: it is a lot more visible when in game and moving the camera closer. I loaded the NPC preset into racemenu and the neckseam is not visible there.


I've already disabled all mods that affect npc textures in MO, the only thing that is applying textures is my mod. I also tried copying all the files from




but that didn't work as well.

I cycled through all the complexion options and skin color presets on my player character to see maybe if that is where the problem was depending on how light or dark, but the seam never showed on my character.


Update: I was able to duplicate the neck seam issue. It only happens with the female nord race. All other races are seamless.



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This isn't actually the mod author's forum, but welcome to the club. I like that you used "affect" instead of misusing "effect." That types of skills will get you far in the modding community.


Seriously, though, it's hard to tell without knowing exactly how you have it all setup. One thing I can tell you is: I believe different races use different normal maps and you'll have to make sure all of them match. (Data\textures\actors\character\BretonFemale\femalehead_msn.dds, etc.)


If that's not it, first thing is to identify which texture is causing the seam. I paint my textures in 3d mode in photoshop, so I usually load the texture sets one at a time and fix any seams. You could also probably tell in something that displays the models with textures applied, like a 3d editor. You basically just need to see the diffuse, normal, specular maps individually and check for seams. Once you identify which one has it, you fix or replace it.

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