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I can't justify being evil and be the Dragonborn


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Well you can always do as I did. Basicly I joined dark brotherhood as an entrance point to the world. First quests I did were for them. After completing the line and becoming the Listener, you no longer need to be there every day. Additionally you are free to roam around the world and do whatever it is you do, and only randomly pop into the sanctuary. Think of the Listeners in Oblivion. They were the elite. The members, noone dared to talk to. Most didn't even know who they were. So keeping that in mind, I joined the mages college to obtain a different personality, to hide the inner darkness. Now to everyone else, I am the Arch-mage of the College. Only the few (sadly, there are only a few of DB members) know who I really am. You can do the following to pretty much any plot line.


I gotta admit tho, I have this issue very often myself. It seems that every faction is out there to welcome and make you their leader. And at some point you are just a leader of too many. In any case, hope this helps :P

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I think that's a rather nice perk of playing a Khajiit, really. Beyond the lovely fur, which must be rather helpful in the cold. They're nothing if not morally flexible. And hey, those poor sods with contracts on their heads are going to die sooner or later, anyway. Better it be you to rake in the dough. You can't kill dragons on an empty stomack, and you can't eat righteousness. Also, the heroic dragonborn-image must be a godsend of a front for a professional assassin.


My own character is a respected archaeologist and battlemage of the College and a well-reguarded Thane of Whiterun, slayer of big, mean dragons. He's pretty much untouchable, even if someone were to connect the dots between the assassinations and his regular businesstrips to Falkreath. As for the moral, aspect, well... Those giant spiders you chop your way through? They're not evil, pretty much innocent. They're just protecting their eggs and feeding themselves. They can't help they decided to make their cozy webhome of nightmares on top of some ancient tomb you're aiming to rob.


Another interesting angle is to see it as a sort of split-syndrome, with the assassin role and the Dovakhiin role being two sides of a character's personallity, both grasping for attention. It'd be interesting to involve old Sheogorath into it at some point, too.

But to most of my characters, it's just work. They got into bad company, but they're getting good money for putting their skills to good use. "Professionals have standards!" Again, even dragonslayers have to eat.

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LOL why not just think your DragonBorn is an anit-hero seriously most cool story nowadays depicting most heros as an anit-hero .

Also in the first story even in Oblivion you are a prisoner.


First think that popped in my head, as an example is Riddick lol

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Yeah, you have to make a background story that justifies your actions. I am playing a Breton who is fleeing a court intrigue orchestrated by Empire to prevent his clan from accumulating to much power in High Rock and potentially standing up to the Empire. Thus, he acts in interests of High Rock (or his specific clan) throughout the game: joining Stormcloaks, joining DB to get to one very important person at the end of the questline, joining Thieves Guild to have unofficial influence on Skyrim internal politics, since he doesn't trust Ulfric that much. I am personally disgusted by some quests in DB and TG and plan to remove essential tags on some characters after I finish all quests and "take care" of them.
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I think your RP problem has to do with your definition of evil: wanton, cruel, merciless, short-sighted. Its an immature view of the nature of evil (bad, dark, whatever), thus can't accommodate a character whose destined to reunite Skyrim under a common banner and rid the land of menacing Dragons.


I think you should focus more on what evil can do to a good person and what lengths evil can drive an otherwise noble and devout person too in order to control or banish it. For instance: have you ever conversed with any higher level clergy of the Catholic church? Bishops, Cardinals? These are not lovey dovey, rainbow skittled, overly idealistic, hands across the sea people. They have VERY REALISTIC world views, and will do what is required to balance the sides, as well as themselves. We are but human.


So, RPing a good-natured person who happens to take contracts from The Dark Brotherhood becomes easy within this light; you balance the forces. When something so rotten, so degenerate, so toxic threatens to spill upon the general populace, tainting all who come into contact with it; Well, you do what you frikken have to in order to prevent it. This is the TRUE challenge of being a good-aligned person. Don't forget to include your internal struggles either; having to deal with such accountability once you pass.

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on my 2nd playthru, abandoned 1st attempt to finish all quest lines because of early release Skyrim bugs.

so far i'd say Skyrim is a mixed bag of unrelated quests/guilds that have little if any interaction; so,

i've learned to just play my dragonborn with multiple personality mentality as mentioned earlier.

on the otherhand, imperial vs stormclock civil war plays well - hard to pick a side based on moral codes though.


seems to be little do-gooder morality required in the game so i don't look or expect to find it.

majority of the quests seem to just be kill kill & kill RPG shooter like Oblivian; however, not to be too critical,

quests are true to Elder Scrolls lore with some real story telling, often incomplete but there.

and of course, Skyrim can be beautiful to look at at times and fun to mod.

it's a 'dark' RPG and mostly kid's stuff filled with assassins, thieves, mercenaries, revolutionaries, occupiers, daedras, and destruction magic.


anyway, if you're looking for an RPG loaded with morality choices and integrated storyline/quests

i'd suggest looking into Dragon Age 1 Origins-Awakenings..

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I am playing through Skyrim for the second time now as the first time, when the dark brotherhood kidnapped and put in me in the shack I thought "screw this, nobody tells me what to do" and killed the dark brotherhood member instead. I then took the mission where you wipe out the Dark Brotherhood den so didn't get to do any of those missions. On the second time I just joined the Dark Brotherhood just so I could do those missions. Seems like in Skyrim if you want to do all the quests you have to be bad.


You can wipeout the dark brotherood?


Thats nice to know *evilgrin*


is the same for the thieves guid? (maybe i can accept the thieves, its not so criminal thefting around :)

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