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Here is a list of Mods I would like to see and some I really wonder why aren't already within the mods or game. This list will be added to and fixed up as things go. Also If I find mods that fit the areas I will provide a link. Please note I don't like using the console to obtain stuff (Unless its something that was a mod that I had crafted and lost do to updating)


Unlearned/ Read Makers:

I love collecting the books, spells and all those little things. I hate having to pick-up every book I see to collect them. Give me a damn note on the item showing I've "READ" the book or spell... Also damn Enchantments I hate having 50 enchanted items going to a table and finding out I cannot learn them because I already have them, I can always keep track of every little thing.


Throw-able Weapons:

I don't believe I am the only one that thinks this but what happened. Fallout: New Vegas throwing weapons weren't the greatest but what fun and joy came from that Kill-Cam of the knife in someones head. Come on give me knifes, axes. Also one interesting thing would be able to have distraction stones like throw voice.


Horseback Combat:

Anything really needed saying is lost. This is one that should be in the game from the start...


Follower Overhaul:

I would really like to have the Fallout NV wheel. Telling them Go ranged, Melee or magic. I want to give them armor/Weapons and mark it to use. Also would really like to have it so there is no static armor *Cicero's damn hat*


Vampirism Overhaul:

Feeding changes, The normal strangth changes. I have been a vampire fan for a long time long live Dracula... F*** Edward, twilight hack. LOL


Werewolf Overhaul:

Perk Tree <Level based>

I would really like to see the werewolf stalk its prey, I like the look of the werewolf but I really would like the look of the werewolf from Doctor Who: Episode 2 Season 2 that was a werewolf. I would like if I howl I call any wolf in the area to my ad.


Usable Traps:

I like that we get to have a few Spell Traps and I yet to use one but I play a ranger/ Nightstalker give me a bear trap. Disarm one then pick it up and use it how hard is that Bethesda.


Combat Overhaul:

I really enjoy the combat though I feel somethings should of been different. Duel-wielding personally I think they should of just had the left mouse button attack and right button block.

I would like to see more realistic combat but that really doesn't bother me.

Oh and what is with the crappy little bow bash.


Thanks for reading and happy hunting.

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