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Erandur died and I can't find his body anywhere.


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Hey, I lost Erandur outside Ravenrock a few months back (in game and in real life) and I checked all of the halls' of the dead, checked coc WIDeadBodyCleanupCell and he is nowhere to be found. Is there any way to get him back without his inventory being reset? He was carrying spellbreaker and a few other relics, masks (but I don't remember which) and a bunch of armor. I have tried prid RefID then moveto player and I tried moving to him, but it takes me to Riverwood ...Any help on this will be greatly appreciated :smile:

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Did you get an inheritance letter confirming death? As a vanilla follower you should have. And, did you check Nightcaller Temple? That is his default return place.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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I checked all the usual places, and I'm positive he died because he was following me when I ran into a mob of ash spawn. And I think I got a letter of his death too.

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Well it looks like he is in Riverwood. Did you try to enable him when you moved to him? I am afraid when you resurrect him he will be reset, but you can try it.

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