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Is it possible to use ambush anim with Power Armor ?

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Hello ! I'm making a mod and I want to make a "fake" power armor so when the player will activate something the power armor will attack him. I've made a new npc synth and put a power armor on it and I set up the ambush but when in power armor he doesn't use the ambush but without there is no problem. So is it possible to use Ambush with Power Armor ?



Sorry for my bad english.

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In short, the answer is "yes". However, working with power armor can be tricky as key portions of it are hard coded into the game. That said, power armor comes in two varieties: furniture and race. As furniture, you'd activate it and thereby trigger a script that triggers an animation to allow the player to enter the power armor. What you want to do is create a new furniture that has a different script that triggers an ambush. When a player "enters" power armor, their race is promoted to "power armor race". What you'd need is to somehow assert an invisible type of npc to take the place of the player when the ambush event is triggered. Take a look at Power Armor Autopilot for examples of how this may be done.
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