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Getting really bad delays receiving quest rewards, NPC encounters don't seem to be working or VERY behind.


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This has been happening for quite a while now, but It hasn't really bothered me too bad until now. Receiving quest rewards often take a really long delay, often taking a minute(or a few!) just to retrieve a few coins. The same with me giving things to NPCs. However, once I got to Markarth, things began to get ridiculous. The intro scene wouldn't trigger, start, or something. I had to kill the forsworn guy myself since no one was doing anything (This actually got the quest to continue, guard tells me to leave, people freak out, weirdo gives me a note). Then, the conversation in the tradehouse wouldn't start at all. The two NPCs would just silently stare at eachother and do nothing. Same for the smith and her apprentice. Now, I'm really sick of this.

Other than this, the only problem I've had is random game corruption(Or something. The game CTDs whenever i try to leave) within dungeons. It's only happened twice, and reloading a save before entering the dungeon fixes it.

My Specs: Windows 10 Intel® Core™ i5-4460 CPU@ 3.20GHz 3.20GHz 8 GB of installed memory 64-bit OS, x64-based processor 162 free 900 GB of space left NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 grahics card 1366 x 768 I believe I'm running with all graphics and stuff maxed.

No High-Res Textures. Game is running at around 60fps consistently.

I have used Elephant's Script Latency Tester, and my results are: Estimated Script Latency: ~70ms (Hi:~80 Lo:~50 )

Any ideas what's going on? I been really trying to get through what I can before Bruma releases...

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it could be


slow harddrive(it could need a defrag or you bought a slow one) or harddrive is dying to do with the npc, quest rewards taking so long (if it is the harddrive you would notice similar problems in other games since it's universal) try deleting data folder and reinstalling the game


try downloading enb and cleanmem to do with random ctd and dungeon stuff that stuff usually comes back even after reinstalling


watch a tutorial for both of those enb and cleanmem


also do a defrag of your harddrive to try and fix the npc/questreward stuff generally a lot of things would be taking a long time to load but you would notice it a lot more in games




you can defrag+optimise with glary utilities

Edited by skannerz22
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