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regarding navmesh


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After struggling with all day, I finally managed to get the esm method working.


Now I have FUNCTIONING Navmesh inside and out! :biggrin:


Until Bethesda fixes the Navmesh bug for plugin's, this is probably the best solution going.

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I think I may be having a Navmesh issue as well.

I've got a saved game outside of my custom home, when I enter the home the first time everything is fine, my follower can follow me and access every area of the home. Yet when I go outside of the home, then back in, the follower seems to spawn in a different room of the house and doesnt want to follow me. Some rooms the follower will go in, some the follower wont. She just stands there looking like an idiot...... Is this a Navmesh issue?

If so, how am I to make the file an esm instead of esp? If I make it an esm will people still be able to download it and play it normally?

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I"m no expert on this problem, but I was experiencing the same symptoms as you.


Then, after converting to esm, everything now works (follower navigation) in all areas inside and outside my house - consistently and persistently.


There are quite a few posts here and there from people who are using this method, but none of the described procedures worked quite right for me. I'll post the procedure I ended up using later today (when I'm at my main computer).

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Cool thanks!

I seem to have found another issue as well, go figure.

I made a follower npc and placed him in my custom house, now when I dismiss Lydia to go home, she goes to the outside of my house, right where I placed the map marker. I even tried ditching her in whiterun, she went back to the yard in front of my house again!

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You'll need TESVSnip. I've tried other tools, but that one seems most compatible with Skyrim and allows for easy editing where required.


- Open your esp in TESVSnip

- Highlight the second line (TES4).

- Right-click Edit and change the Flag pull-down to "ESM File".

- Save your file as Master File (esm)

- In Skyrim Launcher, select your new esm and deselect your old esp

- Run the game and verify your followers follow according the the Navmesh you created/edited for your custom location


For me this works beautifully! It's so nice to finally have a working Navmesh.

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Not exactly. There are a couple of caveats.


1. If you want to make changes, you are best opening your esm in CK, make your changes, and then when you save, it'll ask you to specify an esp. This esp will contain only the changes you make. DON"T change your Navmesh because the changes in esp will break your Navmesh, and you'll be back where you started.


2. Any landscape changes won't be recorded (or won't take affect) in an esm. You may need to open your esp and slightly move those objects that the esm doesn't apply. Move them just enough to record a change and then save your esp.


With those two considerations, you should enjoy success.

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