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At the end of my wits, Skyrim only crashes, it's impossible to pla


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Dearest Nexusians,


it all started at the last patch, and before I continue, yes I’ve tried changing the sound quality to 44.1 kHz 24-bit, even lower than that I have. I also disabled v-synch, tweaked any possible cause and followed any lead that might possibly lead to fixing my ever crashing Skyrim game.

Nothing works, I also tried clean installs, verifying the game cache, de-installed and re-installed my entire windows, updated my drivers and direct X at least five times by now. Tried new games, old game, clean saves, anyting and everything you can think of…


(So the problem is… )

My Skyrim keeps crashing to my great annoyance, without the slightest effort. I haven’t been able to play more than 1 minute and 17 seconds in a row.

(Also… )

Mouse Acceleration fix to make the game respond to clicking when hoping to swing a weapon, doesn’t work. For some reason just as randomly as the crashes, I never know when I start the game if my character is going to respond and attack when I click the mouse.

Sometimes it works and he draws a sword and fights, but most of the time, well… My character stands there like some idiot who’s seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that he’s being cut down over and over by a mob of angry ‘thing’s.


It’s either that or when holding up a shield and add a left click to shield bash, he interprets it as a sign to lower his shield for the incoming blow, only practical thing about that is the jest…

Bad joke, I know.


So for those with an appetite to fix things, go ahead, and for those who need it I’ll add my computer’s specifications.

Which shouldn’t make the different because before the latest patch, everything ran smoothly…

(Oh yes, It’s only Skyrim that has these problem’s other games are unaffected, so it’s not my hardware, nor probably drivers.)


PC specifications:



Windows 7 32-bit

Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz

3.00 GB RAM

nvidia GeForce GT 430

(of which driver version 290.53 )

DirectX 11


(Remeber drivers have been checked more then enough times.)

For those with need for more detail:

NVIDIA System Information report created on: 02/21/2012 05:05:50

System name: NAVI



Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium, 32-bit

DirectX version: 11.0

GPU processor: GeForce GT 430

Driver version: 290.53

DirectX support: 11

CUDA Cores: 96

Core clock: 700 MHz

Shader clock: 1400 MHz

Memory clock: 667 MHz (1334 MHz data rate)

Memory interface: 64-bit

Total available graphics memory: 2303 MB

Dedicated video memory: 1024 MB DDR3

System video memory: 0 MB

Shared system memory: 1279 MB

Video BIOS version:

IRQ: 16

Bus: PCI Express x16




easyDaemonAPIU.DLL NVIDIA Update Components

WLMerger.exe NVIDIA Update Components

daemonu.exe NVIDIA Update Components

ComUpdatus.exe NVIDIA Update Components

NvUpdtr.dll NVIDIA Update Components

NvUpdt.dll NVIDIA Update Components

nvui.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

nvxdsync.exe NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

nvxdplcy.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

nvxdbat.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

nvxdapix.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

NVCPL.DLL NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component

nvCplUIR.dll 4.2.710.0 NVIDIA Control Panel

nvCplUI.exe 4.2.710.0 NVIDIA Control Panel

nvWSSR.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server

nvWSS.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server

nvViTvSR.dll NVIDIA Video Server

nvViTvS.dll NVIDIA Video Server

NVSTVIEW.EXE NVIDIA 3D Vision Photo Viewer

NVSTTEST.EXE NVIDIA 3D Vision Test Application

NVSTRES.DLL NVIDIA 3D Vision Module (0)

nvDispSR.dll NVIDIA Display Server

NVMCTRAY.DLL NVIDIA Media Center Library

nvDispS.dll NVIDIA Display Server

PhysX 09.11.1107 NVIDIA PhysX


nvGameSR.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server

nvGameS.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server






So is this entire situation to me, frankly, I have no idea what to do about this anymore and in my eyes this is a pure and classical Bethesda f***-up.

(Apologies to Bethesda sympathizers, but honestly, I’ve been over this several times, and I’m convinced they didn’t giva a s*** about making Skyrim anything good or better:


Well there’s a word that Bethesda’s employees have never heard of!)

But then again, that’s good for us, and allows us to mod and have fun in that. Since modding is the only thing that ever made oblivion, and now the only thing that will ever make Skyrim anything worthy of note.

It would just be nice tough some day, to be able to mod instead of fix, and even better, to mod and play for once…

Well, we all have our fantasies I guess?


I hope one of you can help me, good luck and have fun!


Yours truly,

Yorvael Deus. Aka. Aredel

Edited by Aredel
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hmm. im not too sure what the problem might be.


i used to have this problem until patch 1.4 came out.


i figured out that cause was always that i simply ran out of video ram. not RAM, VRAM; you know that ram on your graphics card. usually about 1GB per card.


i was only getting CTD's because i always had everything on the highest settings because i know my computer can handle it. but before patch 1.4 bethesda really had some issues with rendering; forcing everything to render on these crazy setting needed more than 1GB VRAM back then, and so i always got CTD's after about 2 - 3 hours of play.


if all else fails i suggest getting a better PC, but first your should try turning at the setting to the lowest possible and seeing how long it takes to CTD.


i dont get these anymore, but i can see why i was getting them. it doesnt matter how powerful your graphics card is; there is a limit to how much it can do at once.


my PC specs:


intel i7 quad-core (8 logical processors) ((i believe they're called "companion cores", something to do with a "sandy bridge" or something)) @ 3.40 GHz per core


ATI RADEON HD 6670 graphics card


with that skyrim runs like a dream. sorry i cant be of more help.

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I've tried running it on lowest graphics,

I'm affraid it makes no diffrence.

If only i knew what was causing it, especialy since before the patch everything was running just fine... Or well, fine, it didn't untill I tweaked and modded the bugs out of it a little, but it functioned after. -.-

So it's not like I'm not used to the unmodded version to run properly, but now neither option works.

A bit lame concidering it did when it wasn't capable of runing on more then 2 GB RAM.


I am thinking that I might replace my 'RAM latten' as we call them here, I think you could translate it as RAM bars... xD

Only problem with that is, how to find ones that my computer will accept. xD

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  • 1 month later...

I'd probably try and help, but there isn't enough info here to offer any advice. The hardware identified is just meeting the minimum to run Skyrim at medium setting, so the problem could be any number of issues - most likely related to the hardware.


Are you running at medium, high or ultra resolution?


Have you shut off other programs that load to free up some RAM?


What mods do you run?


How did you install them?


Do you use NMM, BOSS, Wrye Bash?


What FPS are you getting - does it crash just before the CTD?


Is there anything common about the CTD - like on entering Whiterun?


People are willing to help, but you need to provide details on the info for people to be able to help.

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There's these kind of problems from not having enough ram\ vram. You are using a 32 bit OS that limits your total "virtual" ram to around 3.5gb, virtual ram is installed ram + page file + maybe kernal (not sure on kernal), but basically all combined memory Skyrim is allowed to use. I have even being hearing that as of the latest patch Beth. has removed the LAA flag from the exe., Idk if this is true or not. Skyrim has always had very poor memory performance\ memory leaking, combined with inefficient scripting. And no your not the only one with this happening, it has arose since the latest patches for a few.
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Still no possible solutions?

And I know, it's weird, I have the feeling I'm the only person experiencing this crap... -.-

Oh no, I'm feeling your pain, too. Was actually stable about a month ago, and now it's just a parade of random CTDs without error messages. The only consistent thing I've noticed is that they only occur when the game is actively rendering, ie. not in the inventory, quicklist, tab 4-way menu, or Esc game menu.


Running a fresh install now, no mods, medium settings... no luck, either. XD

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id like to point out that without the memory tweak i get a crash within 2 minuets of play. CTD without errors



in skyrim.ini under the [papyrus] section add the lines:








this tweak is the reason skyrim plays on my setup


maybe it will help u too

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id like to point out that without the memory tweak i get a crash within 2 minuets of play. CTD without errors



in skyrim.ini under the [papyrus] section add the lines:








this tweak is the reason skyrim plays on my setup


maybe it will help u too

I've tried that and just about every other thing I could find that would apply to Win 7 64. Noooo idea what the heck is going on. Haven't tried disabling sound yet, kind of a long shot but what the hay... :)

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id like to point out that without the memory tweak i get a crash within 2 minuets of play. CTD without errors



in skyrim.ini under the [papyrus] section add the lines:








this tweak is the reason skyrim plays on my setup


maybe it will help u too


This is the second time I've seen this suggested on these forums, and I didn't get an answer last time... My ini file doesn't have a papyrus section. Should I just make one, and put those lines in?

Edit: just found, I did get a reply in that other thread. Guess I'll give it a try. Also, to the TC, I've heard a lot about Skyrim being an extremely RAM hungry game, and getting more and more frequent CTDs with less RAM. Mine crashes pretty often, and I have 4gb of RAM. I've been told on other forums that it's damn near hopeless to run skyrim with any less than that (particularly since the latest patch). And even people with 6 gb or more have been having issues with skyrim eating it all up and wanting more.

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